i would suggest goblin war strike instead of (or in addition to) lightning bolt, and i think a goblin ringleader or two and a couple reckless ones could help, although i don't really know what you could take out...
well that would certainly slaughter any artifact deck. against another deck it would be mediocre, but it sure does its job.
some other cool specters are tainted specter, hollow specter, abyssal specter, and needle specter. specter's shroud would also be a nice addition.
looks nasty, i like it. the only suggestions i have are: 1. make it 60 cards. 2. why not just use every color of land, since it doesn't matter, and it would really help with solarion 3. some other cool things that go with this theme are clockwork dragon and welding jar, although it seems fine without those if youre having trouble taking things out.
looks solid, i like it.
nice ideas, thanks. i didnt know what to take out to put in the nath's elite, so my hope is just that i can overrun then with enough elves, but i did put in the coat of arms. haha nope i havent seen any of the new decks. i stopped magic a couple years ago (right around the end of the mirrodin cycle) and just started picking it up again.
so it seems like you may be trying to make this legal in standard... but if your not then putting enrage in there would be great. that with doublestrike would kick ass. if i may ask, what about deus of of calamity makes it so great with doublestrike? just the fact that its a 6/6? check out my deck: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=26027
keewen: you dont need shuko. according to the rules, you can declare redirecting damage before the damage is dealt (notice it says the NEXT), so you can just redirect infinite damage to daru spiritualist before any damage is dealt and then sac him with starlit. i think putting a sandskin or 2 in there would be very good. also pariah could help. normally those are a combo, but either would be very effective with the en-Kors and the brute. i also think that all the prevent damage could be unnecessary, and maybe you could take out mending hands and put in enlightened tutors to make sure you get out the brute. you could also try a test of endurance or 2 with the sanctum combo for a quick win. sweet deck overall though. check out mine thats also got some life gain combos. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=26027
also, kamahl, pit fighter, and jeska, warrior adept can be good cards in a deck like this.
i would say that you don't really need both the crushing pain and the splitting earth since they do essentially the same thing, but splitting earth is probably better. also, what's the point of fire diamond? why not just 2 more mountains? lastly, in terms of creatures, i would say that the ogre taskmaster is just bad, the askari's, while they are good, don't really match the "theme" of the deck. maybe a flameblast dragon woudl go better with the theme, and it would be a big card to use as a finisher, but it is slow to get out, which isnt really ideal for a burn deck. also i might suggest flame burst, firebolt, violent eruption, and arc lightning as damage spells.
and i would definitely not get rid ouf your knight of new alara. but maybe the runes, because its just too expensive.
i like the idea and there are definitely some great cards in there. doublestrike is a sick ability. some suggestions: cut it down to 60 cards. thats pretty important. also, you probably don't have enough lands. generalyl you want 20-24 lands in a 60 card deck. to help with this, you could get rid of those borderposts (which are just nonbasic lands that have a mana cost) and add in 2 elfhame palaces and 2 shivan oasis (or you could add in taiga, savannah, or plateau, but those cost about $50 each if you're actually buying the deck). also i would say that fireshrieker is a must-have for this deck. I like it more than double cleave, battle mastery, and obsidian battle axe, so you could take out one of those cards and put in fireshrieker. feel free to check out and comment on my decks.
sick deck. i like it a lot. my only real complaint would be that you don't actually have a polymorph in it. my suggestions would just be this: control magic is a cheaper version of mind control (although it looks like you may be trying to make this deck legal in standard or extended, which control magic is not) wrath of god is also good, but you have the same problem. check out my blue/white deck: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=26027
i feel like there are better damage spells than char lightning blast is one that does 4 damage for only 1 more mana, if that interests you. im also a big fan of flame burst. also, lightnng bolt is just a better version of shock. in terms of counterspells, whats wrong with just using counterspell? it does cost 2 blue instead of just 1, but its much more effective. you already need 2 blue for your sphinx, and if you're not getting that perhaps that means that the mana base could use work. i think it looks ok though. check my deck and leave a comment: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=26027
this deck has a lot of sick cards in it, but there's 1 big problem with it: the cheapest creature costs 3 mana, followed by a whopping 6. this means that it must be at least 3 turns before you can play anything (thats a best case scenario) and you cant play anything other than your avartar until the 4th turn, and thats WITH a seethign song.this means that you're going to have a really slow deck. i would suggest dragonspeaker shaman, urza's incubator, and possibly a cryptic gateway (although these things all cost at least 3 also, they would make you able to get out a lot fo creatures quickly once you hit 3 lands). also, i dont really see what the point of the avatar is other than to make the deck slightly faster. and the overmasters could be a sideboard card. and there are better damage spells than conflagrate (for example, fireball could be much more effective). comment on my deck: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=26027
looks pretty good, but i think it needs something to deal with pesky enemy enchantments. for example, this deck would have some issues against this deck i made if i got my enchantments in play: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=26027
oh nevermind i see that storm herd haha
but other than that its sick. whats the big finish though? anyways i have a life gain deck with a test of endurance if you want to check it out: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=26027
i have some similar stuff to say: you want a 60 card deck, and you want lots of the same cards instead of less of a ton of different cards. also, getting cards that work well together is what really makes a good deck. creatures without abilities will rarley win games. often creature with the same type will have effects that compliment each other, as an example. feel free to look at and comment on my decks for ideas. i like this one more of my 2: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=26027
sick dude. i like the form of dragon/ivory mask/ghostly prison thing. that'd be tough to get around. mabe look into a raking canopy to complement the form of the dragon even more? check out my white and blue deck. tell me what you think. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=26027
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