I like this deck. Will look at it again tomorrow and pull a few hands with it. Looks pretty good though.
I got rid of Throne of Geth, Contagion Engine, Corrupted Conscience, and Fuel for the Cause. All these cards just seemed to gum up the works. Will post the changes tomorrow. Thanks for the comments.
After playing this deck about 15 times tonight, I have to disagree on the Piston Sledge. It is almost like a Giant Growth cast as a sorcery instead of as an instant. I do intend on adding 3 more Distortion Strikes though.
I am tempted to take out the Jace Belerens. By the time I ever got 10 counters on him to mill off 20 cards, the game should be over. Any thoughts on that? If so, what do I put in to replace them?
That may not be a bad idea. At this point they would be the only artifacts in the deck. That really wasn't by design. It was just that by the time I got all the stuff in that I wanted, the deck was full. I was also kind of planning on putting in grindclocks but ran out of room.
I am guessing the strategy is to play Bayou and Lotus Petal and cast Dark Ritual. Then use one black mana to Entomb Putrefax. Use one or both of the remaining black mana to Shallow Grave, Exhume, or Reanimate him into play. Attack with him, sac the Lotus Petal and Berserk!! I like it. It is doable but I never was able to draw it in a sample hand.
I have been out of it for too long. I came back after 10 years of not playing and everyone likes looking at the cards I have in my trade binders and such. But, the old school decks I have are way behind the times and definitely not able to compete with decks like this very often. I have a lot to learn about the "new" Magic.
Nice job. Looks like this deck would be quite formidable against just about anything. The sideboard is really solid too. If you play a tourney with it please post the results.
I just hope that when you attack with your 21760 1/1 saprolings that your opponent doesn't cast spore cloud!! HAHA!! J/K, nice deck. Truly original idea.
Finish it up. Only 28 cards isn't even legal for casual play.
Awesome. A new idea for infect. So tired of the "Attack you with my Necropede. Ok, Giant Growth x3" poison decks. This is a truly original idea and for that I commend you.
Looks ok, but there is absolutely no defense against anything except using your merfolk for blockers. It better mill out opponents quickly.
I agree. I picked one up from a guy after we played in a booster draft last Friday night. He has a huge collection and is supposed to be checking his stuff he has at home to see if he has more of them. Mind funerals also.
Is Legacy what used to be known as Type 1? I just started playing Magic again after about an 8 yr break from it. It has sure changed a lot.
Vedalken Entrancer might be useful too. The casting cost is a little high 3{U}, but for 1 blue mana he does the same thing as a millstone. You could also use him in case a big creature is coming over to smack you upside your head as a blocker. I would also try my best to get it down to a flat 60 cards if you are only going to run 20 land cards.
If you sat down across from someone wanting to try out their new mill deck, they'd probably have a panic attack. I like it.
Also, don't forget about Traumatize. If you have any of those lying around, drop 'em in.
I like it. Maybe side out 2 or maybe 4 of the Grinding Stations in favor of the Howling Mines. All of your artifacts in this deck need to hang around as long as possible. The Howling Mine makes your opponent's deck burn away in less turns and they also benefit you by making more of your library available to you in a smaller number of turns. You might also think about putting in a few control spells like counterspell, power sink, etc. to take out a few of those pesky creature and direct damage spells along the way. I would probably take out 2 each of the Sanity Grinding and Memory Sluice in favor of the control spells. It will mill plenty fast without those cards. You could also put in some of the fetch lands to activate the landfall ability on the crabs more often and also the thin out the land content in your library during game play. These aren't major overhauls, just a few little tweeks to make the deck more survivable and to make it mill faster and lessen the chance of drawing land at a critical time.
I don't know about this one. I pulled a lot of sample hands and usually got no mana at all on the first turn. This deck has a pretty low mana curve, but it just doesn't seem to get decent pulls from the first 7 cards. All I ever saw in the sample hands I drew that was playable on turn 1 was Kraken Hatchling. He is not gonna do much for you in the long run.
I like this deck. The Thrummingbird + Grafted Exoskeleton combo is nice. Three poison counters + a proliferate in one hit. Pretty nasty. I will make a copy of this deck and try it out. I think it will win the majority of the time.
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