You might want to reconsider Everflowing Chalice, Creeping Tar Pit, and Jwar Island Refuge. They are all good cards, but will also be rotating out.
I wouldn't take out the Thrummingbirds as suggested. They are the proliferate you need for your Tumble Magnet's counters. I would however add in the Mimic Vats. They will work nicely with Sunblast Angel and Day of Judgment. Maybe replace Condemn with Sleep. Maybe not though, they cost 4 mana.
Add in Feast of the Unicorn. It is deadly on a shadow creature.
Yes, by all means put in the Hedron Crabs. Also replace Traumatize with Archive Trap. They are both still T2 legal until mid-May. And until then lots of people are going to be running fetch lands and Archive Trap is tailor made for people who use fetch lands. I have had 2 in my hand to begin a game before and milled my opponent for 26 cards on turn 0 because he went first and used a fetch land.
Unless I am seeing something wrong, a turn 1 win looks possible. Swamp, Dark Ritual, Dark Ritual, giving you 5 mana. Cast Wall of Blood, use Rite of Consumption, pump 20 life into Wall of Blood and gain it right back from Rite of Consumption's effect. You are at 20, your opponent is at 0. Am I missing something or does this work?
4x Signal Pest
4x Incinerate
No Shivan Dragon? Gosh how things have changed over the years...
I like it. If you happened to be playing standard, you could take out the Dawn Charms and replace them with a couple of Goblin Guides. They are a 1 drop and definitely up the aggro of this deck.
You're right. It is hard to deal with. But since you are playing older cards, Swords to Plowshares, Disenchant, and Divine Offering are all available to take care of him. I like the deck though. Nice.
I definitely agree with you on the Bojuka Bogs though.
Thank you very much for the comment. I really do appreciate it. The only thing I disagree with you on is the Archive Traps. Where I play FNM, they ALL use decks that they copied from looking at championship tournaments in big cities. It really is quite disgusting as a guy who makes his own decks. All of them play fetch lands to the max. I saw a flaw myself though. I need fetch lands to take full advantage of the Hedron Crabs. I will probably take out the Tectonic Edges and replace them with fetch lands. maybe 2 of the Halimar Depths as well. Thanks again.
Actually, I thin that Condemns and the Pacifisms will do nicely for creature control, even flying. My worries would be with burn spells. But that said, I think this deck will outrun most standard legal burn decks. Two Corpse Curs in place of two Core Prowlers might work a little better to kind of spread abilities around and get some of your creatures back on the field instead of just proliferating.
Just my personal opinion... I think this deck is fine with just 20 land. The highest casting cost card in it is 2 and there aren't many landfall cards (4). Take out 4 land and add in 4 more 1-2 casting cost cards and murder away.
My guess is that most of the people commenting on this deck have never seen a Storm Crow in action.... Noobs...
The Ratchet Bombs are strange in this deck I admit. But, I have had them used against me very effectively in the past to take out low cost cards quickly. That is the only reason they are in there.
I didn't notice that you already had 2 Archive Traps in. But I would still trade out the Traumatizes for them anyway. If you have played this deck already and think it is better the way it is, then I concede my point.
If I changed anything, it would be to take out the Traumatizes and put in Archive Traps. Everyone in tournaments are using fetch lands and Archive Traps are absolutely perfect as a response to someone using one. I just think it is a better card even though I think they are both great.
WOW! Really nice deck. I wish I could click like on it more than once.
I think you should really consider replacing 4 of the Chimney Imps with 4 Floodgates. It might be getting a little too much blue into the deck, but you could always put in a couple more islands. Other than that, I think you have made a sure winner. The kids at FNM will be envious for sure.
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