Pretty sure he meant Courier's Capsule.
Where are the mountains for Arid Mesa to fetch? You can't cast Blightning with that manapool.
Main advantage is that Sanctum and the fetched Expanse land are come into play tapped. Marsh Flats brings it untapped so it doesn't slow you down.
Agreed. I only run two Nocturnus in my vamp deck because its all I have and they have been hard to come by. I have been blessed to get a full set of Bloodghast though. As for the deck, without having some reusable sac-engine like Bloodghast or a token generator, I would probably scrap the Aristocrats for another vampire. Perhaps another 2 Hexmages? And then 1 more of the others you're not running a play set of?
Definitely shouldn't play any spells/creatures that are dependent on how many of insert-land-type-here you control so I'd definitely cut out Nightmare, Tendrils of Corruption, Mind Sludge, etc. You won't get near the value of what you're paying in mana for them. Also, he's already posted in here, but check out dreki's Aristocratic Blood deck as a good point of reference for getting you started on a b/w deck.
If you do removes the Blitz Hellion (a card I love, but can see why it'd get the axe), might I suggest Rip Clan Crasher? It'd be another haste 2/2 to cascade into.
Suggest going back and looking at your mana base. It looks like you're trying to build a deck that kills quick but only 4 (5 if you already have a swamp out) of your lands don't come into play tapped. This will pretty much constantly put you a turn behind with mana.
Mill decks can be very tricky to pull off. The only suggestion I might make is that dropping a Traumatize on your opponent the turn before you drop Haunting Echoes can be quite devastating (and time consuming).
Highly suggesting swapping Wall of Faith out for Wall of Reverence. Exact same mana cost for a 1/6 (over a 0/5 that can become a 0/6) that combos extremely well with Cradle of Vitality to bring about your Felidar Sovereign win condition easier and/or faster. Especially if you can pop Ajani for the avatar. Really its like having a constant Soul's Grace at the end of your turn. Also, I agree with caseysafatkid on the Sunspring Expedition. Your Cartographer already speeds it up a tad. And I'd suggest running Arid Mesa or Marsh Flats (or both actually) even though you are running mono-color because it improves your landfall at the minor cost of 1 life.
41-49 of 49 items