Oh man, I've been wanting to make a Voracious Goblin deck for awhile but I just don't have enough of the right cards (Guide, Instigator, the Dragon). I just love that there is like 19 possible turn 1 plays in a deck like this (give or take when considering kickers). I agree on ditching the Valakuts. A deck like this isn't meant to last long and probably won't. I would also probably ditch the Quest, increase the burn factor, up the Dragon and Commander to 3 each and yeah try to throw a few Dragon Fodders in there, maybe at the cost of the Instigators. Just a thought.
Rotten, thanks for the comment and advice. I really feel I need the extra mana dorks though with over half the deck costing 4+. Plus, having an extra one drop elves helps boost how much mana I can get from just tapping the Archdruid and still leave mana open for other things. I decided to replace the Turntimber Rangers with Bestial Menace. I like the 6 power spread out over 3 creatures aspect of it and plus it gives me more fodder for Eldrazi Monument in the long run.
If you're going for unrealistic... needs more Progenitus.
Perhaps Merfolk Seastalkers for Thada? Its 1 more expensive, but it has a slightly beefier body, still has islandwalk, and its ability is a bit more useful.
Mainboarding Bloodghast may be better than sideboarding. He's cheap and has recursion for helping to ensure you have a vamp for Blood Tribute's kicker.
Agreed on the Gatekeeper over the Lacerator. But I have to say, Grim Discovery is ridiculously useful to help bring back things like Nocturnus and Nighthawks that have been hated upon, both of the Malakirs and their great EITB possibilities, Hexmages that haven been sac'd for one reason or another... pretty much anything except Bloodghast. That's what you use the land you return for. Which is probably a fetch and helps your land drops plus thinning your deck however minutely but still usefully.
Arid Mesa? Is that supposed to be Marsh Flats?
As said above, too many one or two of's and consequently that makes for very inconsistent performance.
I'd nix Kalitas (he's too expensive, does absolutely nothing when he enters the battlefield, has too expensive of an activated ability, and basically just becomes a magnet for removal as soon as he hits the table) and just add in a 23rd Swamp to help smooth our your mana curve. Also, if you have any black fetchlands, I'd throw them in your mana base and replace some swamps. With all the life gain you have, the paying 1 life here and there would be insignificant. It'll help thin your deck just a bit and increase your chances of pulling good draws if even just marginally.
If anything pushes allies into the realm of truly competitive, it'll probably be that ally-producing instant, Join the Ranks. Being able to activate ally-abilities on the opponent's turn will provide some much needed combat tricks and it'll help grow your army.
As much fun as this combo is when it does work, I can assure you that its just not competitive. Jund, Naya Lightsaber, Boros Bushwhacker/Barely Boros, Red Deck Wins, other Vamp decks and pretty much anything thats standard competitive play right now just wreck you before you can get anything off. But if you really want to try it, I'd suggest ditching the Tutors. With 4 Sanguine Bonds and 3 Blood Tributes, I rarely ever have trouble getting them. The problem is making sure to hit every land drop by turn 6 and still having a vampire that hasn't been blown off the field by removal or chump blocking to save your own life. You need more removal like Tendrils (I know you only have two but they are commons so they shouldn't be hard to track down if you have a store selling singles nearby) and perhaps something that throws the opponent off their game like Mind Rot. I would ditch Sorin as you want Blood Tribute to be the only thing that high in cost to help smooth our your mana curve. Soo my suggestion: -4 Diabolic Tutors -1 Sorin Markov +2 Tendrils of Corruption +3 Mind Rot See how that plays and then go from there. I will say though that the best time I ever pulled off the combo was against a mill deck. With having a Crypt of Agadeem on the field, my opponent ripped through my deck and gave me more than enough juice to drop Sanguine Bond, a vamp, and kick Blood Tribute all in one turn.
Behemoth Sledge (Green and white equipment if you're willing to splash a third color) Colossal Might Garruk's ultimate third ability is essentially Overrun Gigantiform turns a creature into an 8/8 with trample Savage Hunger is an enchantment that gives one creature +1/+0 and trample And finally, Titanic Ultimatum for the winning swing gives +5/+5, first strike, lifelink and trample until end of turn but requires red, green AND white and has a total cost of 7 mana.
I wasn't sold on the Grim Discovery myself originally, but its actually quite good. Because it just says target land and not target basic land, you can use it to return fetches to your hand to help further thinning the deck for better draws. And in the same turn, you can return a Nocturnus or any other useful vamp that either died to removal or sac'd itself.
Pretty sure Boris means Bad Moon, not Blood.
It looks like he's going for a standard deck though. I'd suggest Jhessian Infiltrator. And and any Misty Rainforests you may have. Great Sable Stags would make a good sideboard addition as well, though with current meta they are pretty much a good mainboard.
Yeah, because of his ability. When he's in play, you must play with the top card of your library revealed. If its black, everything is awesome. If it a land (colorless), bolt or banefire (red), its all for nothing. Normally, this is a big enough risk with just 22 to 24 lands in a monoblack deck but you're pushing close to 30 nonblack cards though. Terminate and Blightning are great additions though because they are both red AND black.
Actually make that half your deck is working against him.
I'd nix the Nocturnus. As good as he is in mono-black vamp decks, in multi-color ones, he's just not as effective. Nearly a third of your deck is working against you with the lands and the bolts and the magma... wait the magma is gone...
Would replace Glory Seeker with Kazandu Blademaster. Still a soldier, same CMC, same P/T by the time it resolves, can get bigger if you happen to land more than one, and doesn't rely on Marshal/Oathsworn for first-strike/vigilance.
Very similar to a couple Soldier builds I've put together. I'd say Armorsmith is more main-deck-worthy than Palace Guard. Rhox Pikemaster is another Soldier you may want to look into. With him and the Cap out, your entire army turns into Kazandu Blademasters of varying power/toughness. And of course, Elspeth is stunning (both in function and price tag).
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