needs better consistency
Ive been attempting to create a similar list recently with little success, but a couple of things here seem dubious to me- only 2 collars and titans will mean that you'll rarely draw them, also gaveleer seems like an odd choice when you have only 3 pieces of equipment, trinket mage or not. Also 21 lands looks a little low- I could be wrong but your gonna need to up that count to 25/26. Kinda interested to hear how this plays though.
Still needs work mate, guessing this is just casual/legacy, if so scrap infest- you dont need it and it doesnt really fit with your theme (i.e. creature based), replace it with dark ritual and try get 2 more in, its not an expensive (cashwise) card and yet is stupidly powerful (imagine a turn one necroskitter!). For crumbling ashes and blowfly id say pick one and run 3 of- you dont want to spread yourself too thin. Soul Snuffers seems kinda like an expensive luxury- it doesnt do anything that other cards in your deck can do better, but as to what to replace it with ive no idea, some creature that costs 1-2 mana would be ideal. Also doom blade is a sideboard card- maindeck grasp of darkness, unless your meta is not particularly black. And also Im still not convinced on how necessary Beseech The Queen is, but play test it as I could be wrong. Also I personally find it hard to build black and not include Sign in Blood and Duress, but thats just me Hope that helps
too many cards and terrible consistency
looks ok but you need to work on your mana curve
10 bolt? 10 raging goblin? guessing thats a typo
too many cards, bad curve bad consistency
oh and if it were me I'd work in llanowar elves and cultivate
ornithopter doesnt look necessary- if your worried about flyers have some plummet in the sideboard, also consider primal bellow
seems like your trying to shoe horn in 2 disparate themes, cant see it working particularly well but then gain it might. Also kinda interested in what your gonna be bouncing with glint hawks, the only targets are themselves or the artifacts that are part of your win condition
TY, if I get a good opening hand with this deck I can easily pull off a turn 5 win, however i ahve a couple of concerns- one I've got a lot of ramp but very little to ramp into, and a lack of removal has more then once left me screwed.
Oh and I'd appreciate it if you could look over my lists and tell me what you think :)
Sorry I dont, I have very little experience with playing white but I have seen quest decks played a fair bit, kor duelist seems to be a fairly usual suspect, as does basilisk collar- if it were me i'd try them out just in case
consider kor skyfishers, more bounce means quicker quest counters and their good targets to be equipped, and without fetchlands steppe lynx is gonna be abit of a deadweight
Woah dude calm down, consistency is not just "how I play" but its been repeatedly been proven to be the best way by people infinitely better at this game then you (and no Im not referring to myself)- if this deck works for you all so well and good, but dont expect do well with it beyond casual back and forths with friends. Whilst I see my assumption that everyone wants to compete and win is a faulty one, my other assumption of those who post on this site want critique is kind of a natural one- getting all hissy because I called BS makes you just as bad as what you accuse me of, in the end if you want to just muck around with friends do what you want, but I find it odd that you would post it here.
too many cards and too many 1 and 2 ofs (god i get tired of saying that, surely consistency is not that hard of a concept to grasp?)
looks good, but Id recommend some dark ritual or the like to help you get the mana to pump the shades
I love this, an interesting concept with what looks like a very lean result, my only thoughts are is 20 lands enough and did you consider book burning?
looks to have terrible consistency
oh and your gonna definately need to up your land count, with your curve 22 should be the absolute minimum
41-60 of 80 items