
2 Decks, 82 Comments, 3 Reputation

not the normal version of WW thats for sure, looks more of a midrange style, if thats so you may wanna up your early game control.

Posted 02 February 2011 at 14:39 as a comment on White Weenie


you need to shorten that curve dramatically

Posted 22 January 2011 at 13:19 as a comment on Vampire Win


Oh and in my experience Omnath works wonders for ramping into those massive numbers of tokens, give it a go it may work for you

Posted 13 January 2011 at 08:18 in reply to #115387 on Epic mana gen= Epic token gen


kinda steep curve for that few lands (guessing full deck has 20?) but Ive no doubt its awesome, I run something fairly similar and the look on my opponents faces when I drop a 10x kicked wolfbriar NEVER gets old.

Also, why the Tanglecord walls? they're the only card whose purpose I cant work out.

Posted 13 January 2011 at 08:16 as a comment on Epic mana gen= Epic token gen


@TheNightAngel You do realise mimic vat has been a staple of mono black control since its release with SOM? you are by no means original for putting it in a mono black deck and accusing someone of copying your ideas just makes you obnoxious.

Posted 12 January 2011 at 19:05 in reply to #115176 on (Help!) Black Artifact


alot of those cards arent any good outside of draft Im afraid

It looks like the beginnings of a pretty good mono black control deck though

Posted 12 January 2011 at 11:40 as a comment on (Help!) Black Artifact


Sorry but I gotta say I dont think this will work- early game your opponent isnt going to have anything worth stealing (and especially not for 4/5 mana) and late game there will only be 2 or 3 that it'd be worth it.
Also, what happens if your oppponent has little to no creatures? a couple of owls or elves wont win you the game then.

But Ive been wrong before and it may work, if so Id personally try and lower your curve a little, and whilst harrow puts 2 lands out onot the field it may be better to go with cultivate instead.
Also I dont get the reasoning for Spreading Seas?
It might also be worth trying to work in some more control elements to ease early game a little.

Posted 10 January 2011 at 11:38 as a comment on ramp steal


Personally? more pump- most of these ive seen tend to run groundswell, also the best ones ive seen splash red for flame slash and lightning bolt, as well as some of the zen rare lands.
Hope that helps

Posted 23 November 2010 at 05:29 in reply to #101300 on Mono Green Poison


I beg to disagree, green infect is an aggro build, you loose steam really quickly, slowing the pace would most likely screw you over

Posted 22 November 2010 at 08:53 in reply to #101300 on Mono Green Poison


fog seems like an odd addition- why would you want to slow the game down?

Posted 21 November 2010 at 16:43 as a comment on Mono Green Poison


Looks ok, but Id lower that curve and put in some creature removal

Posted 17 November 2010 at 09:06 as a comment on Hyppie spectre shootout.


bad curve bad consistency

Posted 13 November 2010 at 07:50 as a comment on Vampire deck


Bad curve bad consistency and you spelt ANGEL wrong

Posted 11 November 2010 at 14:17 as a comment on Vampires and Angles


Terrible consistency

Posted 11 November 2010 at 04:22 as a comment on Home Guard


what happens if you dont draw the sovereign?

Posted 10 November 2010 at 13:20 as a comment on ally life gain


Elfdrazi is a fairly established archetype, and if it were me building this one id drop the wurmcoils for some more mana producing elves, and Im not to sure but I'd playtest some more copies of genesis wave.

Posted 06 November 2010 at 12:52 as a comment on Elf Eldrazi


with only 3 creatures polymorph seems like an odd choice

Posted 05 November 2010 at 07:34 as a comment on Jinxed Idol....Or Polymorph


Dont mean to be rude but you've slightly missed the point- green stomp decks, otherwise known as mono green ramp is all about using greens amazing ramping abilities to play an early fattie, successful recent examples are eldrazi green/elfdrazi decks, the following is a good if outdated guide to constructing one-

You also have some odd choices in cards- there are much better versions of duskdale wurm, even in standard (e.g. Pelakka Wurm), bellowing tanglewurm is kinda useless in constructed seeing as SoM is a artifact themed block, giant growth is again outclassed by better versions (e.g. Vines of Vastwood) and naturalize should go in the sideboard.

I apologize for the wall of text but I do hope you read it.

p.s. On my profile is an example of stompies close cousin- the mono green rush deck, check it out it may help.

Posted 02 November 2010 at 12:00 as a comment on Green Stompie


that spike in your curve at 5/6 mana is looking kinda dubious

Posted 02 November 2010 at 10:02 as a comment on U.S.A.


yup, pick your MVP's and run 4 of, but when you get to cards that cost 4/5 mana total run 3 or 2 of them

Posted 02 November 2010 at 08:31 in reply to #96599 on myr overrun


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