I'm seeing a theme here lol
Yeah a had a couple of thrones plus getting in for damage plus a core prowler
revilark, mimic vat, soul foundry
needs more ghostway
Also against aggro players the necropede is godly! The have to trade with it and then lose a guy on top of that. With throne of geth you block, prevent one creatures damage, sac to throne to -1/-1 a creature proliferate their poison and the -1/-1's on the guy you just pinged. I'm also like ichorwell spring with throne. It's like the proliferating progress card but costs 1 less and draws and extra card and is colorless.
about the plague stingers, While they can be harder to block the boost ability of the ichorclaw can give a reason for the opponent to take the 1 poison. Also the synergy of artifact infectors with throne of geth is crazy! Ive dealt upwards of 6 poison in one turn because of it by sacrificing my whole field. Also once the extra clasps are in the way the just become fodder for the clasps
with shape anew it's better to play with no other artifacts than the blightsteel. Since i'm running so many it would hurt the point of the deck
Ive read an article that was pretty thorough and well made, where they tested the effect of the fetch lands for late game card quality. They showed that the life loss to "not drawing a dead land" late game was not worth it. It ends up being something like 3-5 life for 1 extra card. Just thought you should know. You might want to go with emeria the sky ruins and normal plains instead. Just my opinion. I wouldn't be able to find you the article for you so take that however you'd like
There we go I threw those two in there, the ritual replaced a land and the top replaced a joke kill spell. I think this deck would be a fun one(kinda like group hug) even if i don't win =D
haha they do seem just a tad over powered
I would use more but I'd have to change the whole deck against a burn deck, I think its at a decent ratio right now
I was concentrating on equips mainly for humor's sake (it amused me). I will throw the top in but will that dark ritual be good in edh? It doesn't seem very....reusable. I don't know. Would Cabal coffer's-esk card or something like that be more useful? I put bubbling muck in because that can be broken late game. I'm new to EDH and this is kind of a "what if" deck i might make. Oh and for the removal I'm hoping to tutor for shroud effects. I'm only afraid of him getting shuffled into my deck or getting lignified >.>
Check out my turn 4 emrakul deck, my favorite color is black so I went mono-black with it. I think it's not too bad but it's a tutor whore deck lol http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=134303
If this is a peasant or pauper deck my advice will be completely useless but in case it's not here you go. There is an awesome combo (see tribal time with tom on youtube) in which you use sylvan library and words of wilding that lets you skip your draw but play 3 2/2 bears each turn for 3 colorless. This with murganda or door of destinies is broken. For more broken-ness add greater good to sac a 4/4 murganda buffed bear token and to draw 4 (which are not really drawn) for an additional 4 bears. That's a net gain of 6 4/4 bears for 7 mana......every turn..... If you like these types of tribal decks check out tribal time with tom at youtube he's pretty awesome
Honestly, I don't really know. I just wanted to build a fae tribal deck and it seems like it's got some decent tempo
Thanks for the help, I think it runs a little better now. I really want to keep at least one throne of geth for sacrificing shinanigans. If i get doom bladed and am about to lose a good creature I can proliferate for free then pretty much. The Contagion engines are a really good idea though. You're welcome to check out my other decks so I can get another point of view on them.
funny thing, it started with training grounds, and slowly turned into just black and white, I'm going to make a plain black blue with orzhov next tho. woops
You really want that deck checked out that much? It's alright, a decent green black deck would tear it apart though...
Hey dude, I'm Jon who plays magic with the older Jon and you two. I took a look at your deck and it's not bad. I think you could tune it up a little more with some practice with it. For example the 2 mana 2/1 elf that produces 1 green mana. I would replace him with another 2 llanowar elves or 2 arbor elves If you want mana production quicker. If you want check out some of my decks you can click my user name.
I made a red burn deck with fling and act of treason once. It was so funny my opponent brought out a demon of death's gate turn 5 and went down to 14. I act of treason, attacked getting a boost from my battle rattle shaman and flung for 22 damage. haha! You might want to run some consuming vapors in there, maybe an edict or two. I'm also a big fan of gravepact for sacrificing shinanigans
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