Nice infinite combo. Check out my infinite damage and life gain with clerics and zombies.
I like it! Hey check out my new black deck. I've never played clerics and thought it would be fun, turned into infinite damage and zombies too.
Oh wow the second hand I play test i turn 5 confluxed and turn 6 I can choose to play one of 4 ultimatums or another conflux..... oh wow
Thanks, I literally laughed when I thought of using bazaar trader as a double agent
I made a few changes and it flows so much better now. If you don't mind checking out a couple of my other decks i would much appreciate it.
thanks for the comments guys, i kinda wanted to stay away from a kavu predator deck(the original idea for this deck) which i saw combined with fiery justice. But i wanted to run just life gain and see how far that got me. Thanks again for the help
i agree with bedlam23 agreeing with surewhynot
lol that is so mean
Nice way of winning with even having to attack your opponent. Here's mine lol
Demonic tutor dude... nuff said.
Thanks for the advice that was my first attempt at a madness deck. I always thought it was a cool ability but never made a deck around it.
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