But if you look more closely you'll find their is three possible opening hand variants that cause the first turn win and they only need five cards so mathematically it is feasible to mulligan twice and get one of the three outcomes if you don't get right off.
opening hand Swamp,ad nauseam, ornithopter,dark ritual, and culling of the weak. draw the whole deck play the mana artifacts and discard the lands. 1st turn kill man.
No Ghostly Prison? Replace cho-manno with Swans of Bryn Argoll it prevents all damage to itself while making your opponents draw cards. Its also still 4 mana.
Awesome peasant magic.
I have a deck like this a good card would be silent arbiter or nettling imp because with those two creatures you can protect yourself while choosing which creature they attack with. Please check out my deck http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=216647
Correction howling mine the iPhone strikes again.
Spellbook or reliquary tower are really awesome with overbeing of myth and maybe you could add howling Monroe font of mythos with paradox haze can make lorescale coatl huge really quick. Please check out my deck http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=216647.
Hymn to tourach is a must. Also try adding some howling mines or font of mythos and possibly dire undercurrents but I don't think it's nesescary.
Interesting, I'll begin work on a frog deck promptly.
Peasant magic for the win not one rare to be found.
What you should do is streamline the concept get rid of stuff like blighting and use lightning bolt,or replace goblin grenade with goblin war strike. good lands would be the original dual lands if you can afford them, or you could use dragonskull summit, crumbling necropolis, ancient ziggurat, or graven cairns. oh get a playset of raging goblin and warren instigator. ho[e I could help and if you have a chance could you comment on my new black deck Necrocide.
How about Oracle of Mul-Daya or Llanowar Elves. Since its not T2 you should look at heartbeat of spring, its green Mana Flare, or Painter's Servant- Dramatic Entrance combo. Oh yeah Worldy Tutor or Elvish Harbinger would be awesome you could search for your piper directly if you don't draw it. Hope I could help. If you have a chance please check out my black deck Necrocide.
It's not bad but I think you should use the other jace because he has free ponder and his -1 is unsummon. Oh, and the reason I'm saying ponder would be good is because it would trigger your enchantment three times. Hope I could help. If you have the time could you check out my deck necrocide? Thank you.
I would add Cloud Key and Tolarian Academy. Even if you don,t add them it's still a good deck.
Dude not bad.
Not bad you might want to think about Ball Lightning instead of Keldon Marauders. Please comment on my R/W deck.
It's good but may I suggest Prismatic Omen since your running all colors. Check out my decks please.
Use a play-set of Ceredon Yearling for the early game to ward off things while your dealing damage with your instants and sorceries. Check out my decks please.
I have a mono-black deck that works in a similar way, mines not type two though. Anyway I really like this deck as far as type two goes. Check out my decks please.
You look like a new magic player, but that's the beauty of this site you can become a decent player fairly fast. Check out my R/W deck Into the Balefire, for ideas.
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