Arc Trail is a really good idea when I keep thinking about it, the only thing I don't like is that it costs 2 mana and its a sorcery. Speed is what I am going for, your suggestions are good and I find them useful. The only thing is that I feel your version is geared toward a longer lasting game where I am trying to bum rush with an all out attack. I understand that this doesn't work but from all the standard tournaments that I have played so far people aren't really prepared for all out direct damage. They seem prepared for creatures seeing how people try posion their opponent to death. The only thing I am worried about is black/blue control with Jace but I am hoping I can duke it out with them and have them waste most of their counter and kill spells. I just hope coming out strong can finish most of the decks this upcoming tournament, I also am counting on people using the phyrexian mana cost as well so that will ultimately help me win.
Can you check out my standard tournament deck, I need advice on it.
I have the creatures in there mainly as blockers. The whole point of having galvanic blast is so that I can do 2 damage to set off the Bloodchief Ascension. Also I put the Vampire Lacerator in there because I can drop them turn 1, turn 2 I can drop a Bloodchief Ascension then attack with the lacerator to add a counter to bloodchief ascension, then on their turn I can direct damage them to add another counter. Then on turn 3 I can attack again, then drop mindcrank, and then during my end step after a counter has been added burn them again and its game over. Quick like that. I actually own this deck and I have had very good draw hands with it so its pretty solid but I am taking your advice into consideration. I actually have a lot of the cards that you mentioned sitting off to the side because I am still considering some of them.
Yeah, I noticed this combo when looking at the new phyrexia cards. Check out my combo for standard. It can win on turn 3 and if it goes off it WILL win, when it does go off.
SureWhyNot Can you check out my standard tournament deck, I need advice on it. Also how do you get a picture for your profile?
Try adding some thrumming birds to proliferate Karn, I have busted two of him so far and I was going to build a standard black/blue control deck. Can you check out my standard tournament deck, I need advice on it.
Has anyone mentioned Lovisa Coldeyes. Can you check out my standard tournament deck, I need advice on it.
empty the warrens is a pretty awesome card. Also look at Brightstone Ritual if you are using a goblin deck. I also would use some Mudbutton Torchrunner and Raid Bombardment. Can you check out my standard tournament deck, I need advice on it.
Just out of curiosity, how much does this deck cost. Also, can you check out my standard tournament deck, I need advice on it.
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