Back to the drawing board, need to cut two more cards
^hate. Damnable autocorrect :p
I see how your deck works differently then mine and there is nothing I like doing more then dumping creatures into the graveyard and reanimating them. Problem for me is my fellow members play some serious graveyard hate with their edh decks. That is why I have some but not too much, that way I can still get it when I can but not rely on it. I built a really annoying reanimating edh that caused this reaction of graveyard hats in them. Did they lift the ban on The Evening Star. Sweeeet! That is going into mine now.
I actually do have a crucible of the worlds, that is a great idea for this. Yeah, I have been looking at glizza and thinking the same thing, she makes a great blocked is the only reason she is still around. Doubling season can be useful but with certain stuff, its not a top priority card. I do like most of my enchantments, I figured they will keep them busy. Myojin needs to stay though, 2 of the players in my playgroup rarely build a deck that doesn't keep their hand full and I figured he would be a good opener for a final strike. I will have check out your deck, see if it can help me hone this deck to a razor edge. Thanks for the help SureWhyNot. Question, which should I replace first with a crucible, glizza or doubling season.
"strange, weak, weird, or pointless" - not specifacally calling your deck this just a general statement. I build fun, silly, and just plain out stupid decks more then anyone in my play group so I understand building around an interesting theme, tribe, or idea.
SureWhyNot, I knew of no other way to contact you other then posting on your most recent deck thread. I am in need of some serious veteran help. I got this edh deck that I built for my play group. What you see in the deck is what I got and you can expect the others to be playing with similar cards (price range). If you can give me some advice then I would be greatly appreciate it. :) Also if anyone else wants to give input then that is welcome to. Also if you can post your advice on the deck link then that would be awesome. Not trying to troll this site so this will be my post (I need real help and not likes), so if anyone feels worth their salt in magic help me out and don't iqnore this. I can tell this deck will be the main target of me play group, and I wouldn't want it any other way, I just need to try and survive. Sorry for the long post but just need to let all players know this is legit. PS: I love tribal decks no matter how strange, weak, weird, or pointless. Its part of their charm and I like yours if that means anything. Thank you for your time.
Also I was toying with slitherheads or gravecrawlers for the trolls. Ultimately I chose the later bc I would still not be out of a card
Thanks for the feedback. I know the troll isn't all that but it makes for a great blocker that can be regerated for cheap, this is also why I chose gravecrawler to go with him bc I can play it out of the graveyard bc lol troll is a zombie too. I have no illusions that gravecrawlers are weak and pointless but they do add creature advantage. Anyways, people are hating on 4 vraskas a lot so I will test it out some. See what it feels like. Unfortunately I only busted 1 mizziam morter. I was planning on buying some to sideboard. If u have suggestions for sideboard that will be a bigger help. I plan on playtesting this first and trying the suggestions I get to see what feels the best. I have until Nov. 3 to be ready for the first ptq I'm going to so the more suggestions the better bc I can play test them. My personal opinion is people are overlooking this can't be countered ability that a lot of RtR cards have. Control decks are about to have a hard time.
I just want to repoint out that slaughter games can't be countered. I can take your finishers from u and u can't stop me. Also u can't stop abrupt decay either so their goes ur detention spheres and ob rings
The neat thing about shock lands is they count as forest/swamp/islands/mountains/plains depending on their combination even though they are nonbasic. Soooo, the m10 dual lands would come into play untapped and farseek can fetch shock lands for me.... Neat!
Pretty good but do you think you could stop this: The second I see blue/white I would slaughter games out for one of the following (terminus, entreat, dissipate, supreme verdict), since I get to search I would know what my next slaughter games target would be. Even if a deck had none of the listed, they are the most active blue/white threats that I can think of right now in standard so I would focus on one of them first, probably terminus (I hate that card).
Drop the grisly salvage. Its a good card but in this deck I see it hurting more then helping.
4 vrakas seem extreme but I plan on consistently using her up. I love spot removal and she has no problems at all with that, (remove creatures +1, remove anything else -3, remove player -7, hitting an opponent with a rouge's passaged assassin... priceless). Also 4 seems extreme but with do decks run with 4 tamayos and what not, its the satisfaction of knowing that you will get to that card. I just don't see myself saying "damn, I wish I didn't draw that vraska" (unless I am mana screwed.
Slaughter games is a bit pricey bc of 4 mana, but I love that it can't be countered and I get get to search their hand, library, and graveyard. It is worth the piece of mind to me to use it to remove something that I predict to be a possible threat, such as dreadbore, terminus, entreet the angels, bonfire of the damned, etc. My deck is going to a few PTQs and I can pretty much see certain cards that a deck will run with at events such as that.
I love farseek now that the shocklands are back.. I find it amusing that the 2013 coreset returned farseek back into standard right before we came back to ravnica, since farseek is originally from that set. It seems you are quite set on tearing apart your enemy like I am. My I suggest adding that green creature that bounces one of your creature at your upkeep. You could just replay your thragtusk over and over again and gain 5 life while building 3/3s. Please, I need help quick with this tournament deck that I am working on: Thank you!
I definitely like how you are going a different route then me. I know the vraskas in my deck are overkill but they can keep on removing nonland permanents so that is important. I don't like the cackler too much, try a slitherhead instead so that you can swing with a 4/3 regenerating troll on turn 3. If you don't mind I want to post my deck link here bc I am going to some PTQs with some friends quite soon:
I love token decks and building a massive army! During the prerelease tournaments I played a azerous deck that was more focused on populating a flying army then detaining. Although detaining did keep my enemies at bay while I built up more fliers. Please, I need help quick with this tournament deck that I am working on: Thank you!
Please, I need help quick with this tournament deck that I am working on: Thank you!
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