You could look at Ghostly Flicker, as its 2U for 2 landfall trigegrs and the 2 lands that come back are untapped.Sakura Tribe Scout can be really good for putting lands into play for landfall.If you dont care as much for budget, Scapeshift can be really good as well.
Permalink it a WhirlTell me what you think?
Stalling to late game with big walls, then drowns them in card advanatge and vizier.
DragonLair spider is one of my lategame kill cards, as it fills my board with incects that can be sued to finish an opponet. Spiders dont have alot of powerfull cards to their name, so i did what i could. I didnt think to use 4 swarmyards, so mabey ill have to try it. Thanks for the input :).
I own all of it but Chief Engineer.
Yeah. its pretty fun in casual play. bit i feel it lacks the staying power to do much more than that. A couple of removal cards on my excavators and i lose my steam. really like this, but would like some opinions on what i can do better, if you all would be so kind. bored, so i made a knight deck.
Thank you for your advice. I truth, i wanted to put in pyroclasm initialy, but I couldnt remeber the name of it, so im glad you reccomended it. As for the core tapper, im trying to keep it creatureless, as I want my mana to go toward fueling my upkeeps in some fashion, hence the chalice. Its definataly worth sideboarding though to playtest it. Again, thank you for your suggestions. :)
Lol I ment to say legacy. but yes, Im mostly a kitchen table player.
The origional concept for the deck was just to have cheap fatties like Master of the Feast, Treacherous Pit-Dweller and Desecration Demon. Then by mid/late game, play a win demon like Reiver Demon, rakors the Defiler and Malfegor. I added some control afterward to get me there and acceleration like Dark Ritual. is there anything else i need for limited?
God this is sucha cool concept. I would have never thought to use fog cards to stall for mazes end. the only thing I can give is mabey Amulet of Vigor to help with the gates, as it helps get them out faster. Other than that, I absolutely love it. I might even go order this ;) Anyone care to give some tips on my demon deck?
I like it. Its very different that the discard deck that i see, ones that run the Quest. I like the fact that Spells an come back, or go off twice, blightning and increasing vengance feels dirty together.
Trying to get a friend into magic. He wanted to make a spider deck so this is what i made. critiques would be great.
Ruby Medallion will do that.
Now your going to want to trim the fat. blighted agent is good, but unless infect is your theme, you might want to pass. your also only running two blue cards, so drop blue as well. Also run some ways to buff your humans besides just equipment.
I guess my first qustion is, what do you want to dio with the deck? Control, Beatdown, Life Gain? humans can do alot fo things, so to start just narrow down what you want to do.
I actually really like this. It feels very complete +1 from me, Well done.
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