Enter the infinate is really cool, but i dont know if its neccisary. Your going to win in one turn regardless, so drawing with skyscribing will be enough. Plus, you can just draw more cards in general with it as you can pay what you want. of course, the downside being they get the same amoutn of cards, so if you dont get alot of card advanatge. I would only run one or the other IMO.As for the bounce to add/control to add, ensanre is good to get yourself a turn at the cost of 2 islands, setting you back, but possibly saving your life too.Vapor Snag is always a safe pick, as it lets you deal with a threat immediatly.Control wise, Conterspell or Mana Leak are solid in almost any blue deck.
http://www.mtgvault.com/spiffmeister/decks/the-best-offense/http://www.mtgvault.com/timblebee/decks/ub-hunters/http://www.mtgvault.com/cithiri/decks/killer-infinite-mana/These decks are right up my ally, and I never would have looked for them until I saw this deck post. Love what your doing here, hope to keep spreading the love with you all some more.
You can add some tragic slip for hilarious -13/-13 nonsense. I like it though, the hunted cycle is one if my favorite.
I love mana ramp deck, so this one looks close to my heart. You can use Fauna shaman to cyle for the creatures you need, or use some blue counter/bounce cards to get you through to the point when you can explode.
http://www.mtgvault.com/borosblitz/decks/tribal-callenge-woozie-oozie/Tribal Ooze
I guess the question i have is, is Deamspore Druid worth running? If I toss him, i can toss Presence of Gond and i wont felt bad in the slightest about it. in its pace, I can run increasing devotion or better token generation and more land. On the flip side, I lose some early game power, as the only cards ill be playing will be Soul Warden, Fist of Ironwood, and Gather the Townsfolk.
Red Sun's Zenith
i would like that. The only problem is he doesn't want to spend more than $20 on it, so i tried to keep it cheaper.
whoops, didnt see that :) Thanks for the help.
thanks for the notice, didnt see that blue in there. Whats wrong with 61 cards?
The main reason for evolution charm would be, simply, to block fliers if its still too early game, or if it will kill me. Thank your for your opinion though. :)
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