That's very true, but you may be able to exchange some of them if you added in SCmage. For example you could pull out Think Twice and put in a better draw card.
Though I suppose that that's just accounting for one single card. Maybe nothing to worry about.
You will need some more counterspells I think. With Creeping Corrosion it would be devastating.
This deck looks like it would do very well. I think some swords would really increase your chances of winning when put on the Stalker. Something that may tempt you is using Divine Reckoning and Angelic Overseer. With the angel out it is indestructible and hexproof when attached to a human, which the stalkers and SCmages are. So choose the Human and when it resolves you have 2 creatures still out both of which are very dangerous.
Yep, Mayor of Avabruck is absolutely amazing. Also Daybreak Ranger will mess someone up very easily. Prey Upon would be a nice addition.
Hmm I'd say take out the 4 lava dart and throw in 4 Snapcaster Mage. I like this deck a lot though, I've never seen River Kelpie.
If you are going for standard then you need to change some cards, like Preordain and Clone. I do like the deck though. I really like Neurok Commando but I think it only works in a counterburn deck : (
I agree with the above comment. Red Sun's Zenith will be seeing a lot more play because when it "destroy's" a creature, that creature becomes exiled rather than go to the graveyard. Will be very handy against all the graveyard based decks coming out.
Parallel Lives means that I have to hold back cards in my hand and that really slows the deck down overall.
You should add in more artifacts or else your Mox Opal's are useless. ATM you can only have out 4 memnite and 1 Mox Opal seeing as how its Legendary.
Maybe you could use Divine Reckoning rather than Day of Judgement. I'd also say that Snapcaster Mage is going to be amazing in this next few weeks, because Werewolf decks will be everywhere. He can easily allow you to play two spells a turn, himself and the flashback, and win against those decks.
I'd suggest -2 spellskite -1 wurmcoil -1 primordial hydra -3 forest -4 llanowar elves -2 swiftfoot boots then +4 birds of paradise +3 ghost quarter +1 Garruk, Primal Hunter +1 Thrun + ambush viper or prey upon.
Shrine of Loyal Legions would work well here. Let it set there a few turns till you get your stuff out and unleash it.
Gavony Township as well >.> nice land for something like this
Intangible Virtue actually : P
Rather than Leyline of the Meek or possibly in addition to it you could use Intagible Virtue from Innistrad.
Yep, that card is surely going in this if, if it actually gets made. Not too sure though because it doesn't really do anything till turn 3 : (
Parallel Evolution with Saproling Symbiosis and Doubling Season will win you the game : )
Make a red and green control deck. This is my version of one. Beware
Hmm I think you could take out 2 of the Rofellos since he is legendary and drawing into him might be bad. Something to take his place would be Saproling Symbiosis. You could also take out either 2 cultivate or 2 rampant growth and put in Beast Within. It's a great green control card. Also a land you may consider putting in is Oran-Rief, the Vastwood. All of your creatures could really benefit from it.
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