Well I noticed that TheChurchisHere made one of these and mentioned yours in it. I've been slowly building up the cards for one, but I didn't really have a plan for it. Your deck seems to have a lot of focus to it and kinda inspires me to continue mine. Some cards I would suggest are: Mogg Sentry, Jaya Ballard, Hamletback Goliath, Valleymaker, Hateflayer, Paleoloth, Rapacious One, and Stigma Lasher.
Mageslayer would be nice in here
I think you may need to add in unsummon or something of that sort in here, to clear the way for your creatures equipped with the Sword. I really like that you have Wall of Frost in here, I may need to add that into mine : P
Well I know that Glint Hawk Idol doesn't have sun in it's name but it's pretty close. In combination with Sunscour it could be pretty good. I really like this deck though : ) you picked all the cool cards
Well atm you have 4 Blinding Mages. I think Narcolepsy could work well in here. Lightmine Field might not work so well simply because you should have everything tapped and they will take minimal damage. Frost Breath and Frost Titan would work really well in here.
Well I like the deck overall, especially that it's blue and green. I don't see that very much unfortunately. What I think you need for this are some larger creatures and draw cards. Nothing in your deck is over 2 mana, which definitely means you'll be able to play everything very soon, but also means it won't last too long. Tezzeret's Gambit will give you draw and proliferation for more poison counters. I'd probably replace 2 ponders with those. You could take out the Titanic growth and put in giant growth, it's a little bit more efficient. I believe Phyrexian Swarmlord may be one of the best infect creatures for late game, because it let's you swarm your opponent and also isn't terrible as a 4/4. Putrefax is another large creature you may consider. It's trample make's it very formiddable. You could probably take out the plague myr and put two of each of those cards in. This may allow you to be stable late game. Inexorable tide could be a good sideboard card against control decks, because then all you have to do is cast a creature. Even if it gets taken off the field you can proliferate. With so many cheap cards in the deck it wouldn't be too hard.
Actually Mental Misstep could be really useful. I'll probably throw that into my sideboard. I'll post it sometime soon.
Just wondering how much did you pay for this?
I think my only suggestion would be Corrupted Conscience and Apostle's Blessing. Maybe not mainboard because I really like everything you have in there, though I haven't seen it played. Sideboarding them would be nice. I think my only chance of beating this deck with my http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=225430 deck would be to sideboard in some Marrow Shards and smaller creatures. This may be too fast for me too handle.
I sure will.
Well some of these cards are really good, but I don't think these form a good cohesive deck. Lodestone Golem makes all of your spells more expensive and the Borderpost are just slowing your deck down. I'd say take those out and put in 2 more lands and 2 more Oblivion Rings. I like all of the Jaces. They'll give you a lot of card advantage and some more control. I'd say only keep the Everflowing Chalice in the deck if you are going to add proliferate which isn't a bad idea with all of the planeswalkers.
You sir are brilliant. I didn't think of using the Xenograft for that. I'm so closeminded : { I never think of using it without precursor
I might work on one tomorrow but it's already to late to start doing this for me : P good luck.
Timely Reinforcements is a really good heal card and can also give you 3 creatures.
well there are a few but none that counter everything. Dispel, Mental Misstep, Spell Pierce, and Turn Aside.
I really like this deck. You have a good assortment of flying cards and stuff and the Leviathan just really owns. The only help I can give I suppose is switching your count of Island and Plains. You have a much higher occurence of blue than white : )
Retract could be used rather than some of your other spells. Some early blockers or counters could help this out a bit too.
Hmm I don't know about that titanic growth but I definitely agree with the rest of it. Putrefax can easily come in for the win. Rather than Trigon of Infestation you could put in Phyrexian Swarmlord. He's a 4/4 with an amazing ability for infect. Contagion Clasp might do you some good as well.
Cheaper and better! =D especially with the wellsprings.
Interesting deck. I don't really know what to think about it. It nearly seems defenseless until you get out a Gideon or Titan. Though I suppose Day of Judgment is very helpful. How do you win if you lose a titan or some planeswalkers? The meta at my FNM is constantly changing as well. One week its all goblin and next week its Valakut running rampant. Suddenly its equipment decks. It keeps things fresh though.
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