no goblin guides...they are awesome. throw in 4 guides, 3 mox opals, you can do 16 damage in one turn lol. and that is turn one or two lol
if you are gonna add blue put in cantrips not venser... holy relic says when you cast not put into play. venser just seems bad in here. also..where are the stoneforges. they are awesome lol. your trinket mage can only get mem or thopter. your stoneforge can get the much needed equipment to win game. also puts them into play and can't be countered cause its an ability check out my deck and tell me what ya think if ya want
add verdant catacombs to help get your mana base and thin your deck. cool concept check out my deck if you want and tell me what ya think
i own seemed like over kill. got them when they first came out lol without even buying a box. Trades FTW. I want to make this deck better need to figure out if i can or leave it like it is
needs sphere of the suns to mana excel tezz and other things out quicker. check out my deck and tell me what ya think
to really mess up people add liquidmetal coating and splinter. its amazing. also check out my deck
and where is the stripmine. ITS SOOOOO GOOD!!! check out my control deck and tell me what you think
more dark rits and necropotence. draw power=god. also, if you run dreams where is the puzzlebox???? seems like another deck and not really control. its too confusing what are you trying here? draw puzzle dreams is another deck built on killing with the combo. Control is about controlling the field and hand. Duress and damnation seems good for control as well
check out my deck and tell me what ya think
White red allies without the paladin for life gain and a Adjani for the vig and the +1/ +1 couter..think about it. also might want to throw a mimic vat in there. Eldrazi monument with vat is good with a kebria evangel on it as well giving protection.
also check out my deck tell me what ya think
Add 3 Scalding Taurn and 2 Marsh Flats. Boros should be mostly ladfall to make the plated Geopede and Steppe lynx and adventure gear HUGE! ever see a spikeshot do 16 damage.. I have. it hurts alot. Also bushwhacker...curious on taht. Seems bad cause you are nto running an aggro deck like kulodta (or however you spell it) that card realyl works with summons and weenie goblins only. take out rebirth put in more burn. kill blockers and then swing win game or kill with spikeshot and then burn to death. x3 adventure gear, x3 spikeshot elder, x3 stoneforge mystic, x3 burst lighting, and maybe one basilisk collar. those with spikeshot wrech titans
also check out my control deck
I don't think the assassins and the mimic vat and Persecutor. Just seems like a waste. Try Massacre Wurm it helps with everything including boros. main deck both Duress and Inquisition of Kozilek. 4 of each with Caw-Go being dominant these can be HUGE advantage for you. With teh way the meta looks right now. Also huge against boros as well. Also add one more doomblade with the way tezz decks are making it into teh meta you need an answer for that huge wurmcoil and go for does not stop that big beast. Vapors does not belong it kills two but its too expensive. Also shade??? why???? seems pointless. Grave Titans and Wurm wins games once you kill the hand and field. Sorin.... curious on that. grave and wurm just seem like better late drops. Sacrament lost its punch with memoricide. just side board for of those to screw valucut and caw go. also mind slude kills the control decks all around. You need more deck thinners like sign in blood and the search lands like Verdant Catacombs and Marsh Flats. I've seen MBC at my store here in South Carolina where we have people that go to the pro tour and they use all that i've mentioned. try it out
I'm trying for a chance for early game win, if that fails or I get condemned or DoJ I have backups to let me go the distance. so I ahve teh early game if I draw teh right hand, if not I can control the game against mid range control with chandra and koth and keep pumping out small creatures that inch my opposition to death
only thing I can say about this deck is I don't think your maxing out your calvanoth. Valakut with some cultivate and harrows in here should be really good cause you can play them for free without paying the cost and eban out taget in the face with alot cause you have the free cost then you can play another one and profit ftw. get rid of teh wilds and explanses for arid mesas and catacombs instead since these allow you to play them untapped thus not slowing you down. also if for some odd reason you don't draw the galvanoth or it is in the graveyard the ramp helps you get counsel back. also with all the lands hitting i would do searing over outrage. Just seems better cause its more damage to your target and a creature at the same time. landfall is easy for this deck. also slyvan ranger over emissary. you don't ahve to wait for it to die to get you a land card to ramp up and get landfall and/or make your valucut hit hard
just me talking here but I would take out the black altogether. you can run masters call with it and take out teh chalice this way if you have to pop a nexus instead you don't hinder yourself to a chalice. Also white says I can DoJ after I shape anew..have my blightsteel out and then swing win game for 11 counters. condemn is nice stall as well casue with blightsteel you don't care about life. also means you can add gideon for extra help against creaturs and journey to nowhere to help make sure you get your combo. white just seems like a better fit instead of black. think about it. This way you don't need the trinket mage cause he is bad in this kind of deck. I should be stall, counter, draw power. shape anew one turn do it all win then profit. also more counter cause everyone is gonna be running the white and red cards that exile artifacts. Indestrutible does not stop exile and condemn. you have to protect the blightsteel to win. just saying. check out my deck and see what you think if you want
wardriver is so good with guide. First turn guide, second turn wardriver, thrid turn guide swing out if no one plays a creature except you in the first three turns like in control and they are being bad you have 12 damage turn three and maybe more if you played a geopede with landfall. I also havea RDW please feel free to comment on it as well want to take it to my standard here
If anyone has any input would greatly appreciate it :)
any comments or suggesstions i would lvoe. trying to make this deck work
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