I was thinking about adding that to the sideboard for mirror matches or against MBC but not main deck..seems like a dead draw till I know what i'm up against
hope to see you in dallas grand prix or any other one
awesome. thanks for the put downs.
check out my control deck and tell me what you think if you want http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=151925
inquisition maybe not. duress is so much better in the meta. it can take out day, planeswlakers, and alot of other things. i would however love to see 2 black sun's in here. use it, then go fetch with tezz or make an artifact a 5/5 and swing baby swing
how can you control without hexmage????
This deck screams black sun zenith. even if they lay a fattie and you can only put 2 -1/-1 counters on them you can polif them to dead. also, sign in blood. Cantrips will help alot and taht is the best one for black. always want to be +1 or more against anyone check out my deck and tell me what ya think http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=151925
Lead the stampede helps with the wrath affects. also, put in some explore...its card draw and ramp. check out my deck and tell me what you think if you want http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=151925
they use squad hawks and stoneforge and gideon yeah. the rest is control control control. Love the card draw added not. still kinda meh on sorin i don't ever see him getting out or staying out. the only real advantage he has for you is his -2. at turn 5 and six you should have control of the game anyway with grave titans and hexmages and nighthawks, or a really big pumped up shade lol. still wish there was a duress main deck cause it can hurt so many people but after you sacrament you can put them in if needed i guess. It looks really good should win alot best thing to do right now is magic online or playtest at your local store. only other thing I would say is 2 marsh flats and drop 2 swamps. all you need is 6 mana then your good (9 if against control to stop the mana leak) this way you can thin the deck out more and gain the life back with nighthawk. otherwise looks really good (still iffy on sorin lol)
I said they have gone to the pro tour. they did not go to paris but they are all going to the grand prix and have invites. i'm working on mine now. Secondly, I can see how sadistic does help you understand what deck you are going against. So does duress and inqusition 60% of the time. All you need is a little research and go to magic.tcgplayer.com and look at what placed where to understand the current meta and look for ways to beat it. Caw go is blue white control that took over paris and had birds with swords kill people while controling the field. i am looking for a solid way to beat it right now along with boros. those two seem to be gaining some foothold. tezz is not taht far behind
control was 1st and second place in paris >.>
to many Emrakuls cut them back. don't want to draw 4 in a row make them 2. also sign in blood to help get creatures and your trap check out my deck and tell me what ya think if you want http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=151925
with all that equipment why not etched champion. you get proc all and an unblockable creature with equipment :) check out my deck and tell me what ya think http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=151925
take out jace's and put in pre-ordain. its cheaper, easier to get in the graveyard and activate ascension. also, put in reg jace beleran. helps with card draw. check out my deck and see what you think http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=151925
check out my deck and tell me what ya think if you want http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=151925
ascension..the black one..seems good in this deck think about it. I think its Bloodcheif's ascension
I would say take out the dragon call and the fire servant and put in 4 goblin guides... you don't need to gain life just kill your enemy in 4 turns lol. Also forked lighting..you can kill a creature and do damage to the player then kilin fiend gets +3/+0
its a joke deck lol
I like the spinx..he is cool. Foresee is bad..too expensive. Check out my control deck might give you some ideas :) i would add couterspells like the ones i have http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=151925
I don't like the fire servant... RDW is supposed to win before turn 5. maybe some goblin guides just for the damage. check out my deck if you want and comment :) http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=151925
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