
1 Deck, 110 Comments, 26 Reputation

This is the deck I have wanted to make ever since the butcher was spoiled, so I've given this quite a bit of thought as to what would work and what wouldn't. The first thing I would suggest is taking out Athreos and one Iroas. Athreos just isn't what this deck wants to be playing on turn three. This deck wants to win as fast as it possibly can, pushing through tons of damage very early. Athreos is just slow, and even, though it's very good maybe in the late game or if somehow the board has stalled, then I would rather be playing Iroas over him. Iroas is good, no doubt, and he is there for the late game, but there is no reason to have two. It greatly increases your chances of having him as a dead draw early on, or even late if your board state isn't too good. as a replacement option, i would suggest two copies of the Mardu khan, Zurgo. he fits like a dream on your curve at 5 mana, and if you have a Rabblemaster or Brimaz turn three and butcher turn four like you would hope for, then this guy ends the game turn six. If they survive, you're easily going to beat them in a few turns if they don't deal with it.

Other than that, the deck looks extremely solid, however, and this is just a matter of preference, i would main the charms over the strikes. I feel they have a lot more utility, and an feed the butcher if you need them too, and you already have a lot of burn to the face if needed through the stoke.

Posted 21 September 2014 at 23:51 as a comment on Token Butcher, Mardu Midrange


where is isochron scepter? you have boomerang, eye, doubt, and REMAND. get in there.
but i do like the deck. +1

Posted 12 June 2014 at 22:22 as a comment on Owling Mine (Modern)


perhaps kuldotha rebirth? you need to sac an artifact, but it may be a better use of pyrite spellbomb than pyrite spellbomb. another fun card is warbreak trumpeteer. makes lots of goblin tokens.

Posted 22 May 2014 at 01:55 as a comment on 1 mana Goblins


i know somebody said it already, but emeria, the sky ruin cant hurt. also i would recommend student of warfare. and for the sideboard, maybe in a game against someone who isn't playing a 1- drop deck, limited resources. it forces you to sacrifice down to five lands, if possible, and reduces the number of total lands to ten at the maximum. it wouldn't hurt you, but it would screw him/her over fairly quickly, especially if he/she is running a lot of large creatures and/or spells. possibly as one more spell, scouts warning. it gives your next spell flash and draws you a card. if you have over 30 life with serra ascendant in hand, that could be a very useful combat. then, just to reiterate what everyone else said, swords to plowshares its definitely needed.

Posted 20 May 2014 at 03:56 as a comment on The one drop challenge 2(W)


just sayin, mutavault fits pretty well. nice deck though. vamps were my first deck, and my favorite creature type.

Posted 11 May 2014 at 23:47 as a comment on Vampire Commander


ok, just a question, how would you be able to cast fleecemane with no green mana?

Posted 16 April 2014 at 21:12 as a comment on Orzhov Control (Standard)


Well, first off, i love the deck,and have always wanted to make one. Secondly, i would change up the lands, put in like clifftop retreats, or at least more guildgates. Duals are always better. Second, just for fun put in sanguine bond as an alternate win condition. Maybe add in, if you are willing to go for the duals for it, sterling grove. It makes your enchanments hexproof, and it lets you search for enchanments, making it a very good card for this deck.

Posted 02 March 2014 at 06:39 as a comment on Provoked suicide


He made an exception because this deck just isn't possible to make with cards all under three mana. It's in the deck description.

Posted 25 February 2014 at 04:00 as a comment on Hyper Budget (Azorius)


how about hidden strings for another cipher card?

Posted 22 February 2014 at 20:27 as a comment on Hyper Budget (Dimir)


what about ordeal of heliod? it might be a nice card to put on, say, a soulsworn spirit? plus, in a deck like this, having the possibility to gain 10 life is amazing.

Posted 22 February 2014 at 20:17 as a comment on Hyper Budget (Azorius)


I think everyone above me is absolutely correct in saying you NEED ordeal of heliod and ethereal armor. i Would take out the hopeful eidolons for the ethereal armors. Also, i would take out one ghostblade eidolon, and two brave the elements for three ordeal of heliods. Thats just my two cent.

Posted 22 February 2014 at 19:20 as a comment on Mono White Bestowic


you might want to consider shirei, shizo;s caretaker. if you can get it out when you blow all the apostles, it returns them all. combo that with like a mortician beetle, or a grave pact, or ogre slumlord, it just gets absurd.

Posted 18 February 2014 at 03:01 as a comment on Cheating Demons


i would try getting some legion loyalists in there, maybe in exchange of the gore-house chainwalkers. it would bring the price up by about $9 but they are very good. also, the price would even out if you took out nykthos.

Posted 15 February 2014 at 23:56 as a comment on The One, Two Punch


just my two cents, but the archangel of thune might find a nice home here, if you can find something to take out for it. otherwise, it seems like a very solid deck. nice job.

Posted 11 February 2014 at 22:05 as a comment on Tokens = Life = Win


you need more removal. but in dreadbore, or doom blade, or lightning strike, or ultimate price. removal gets minotaurs through to win the game.

Posted 03 February 2014 at 03:47 as a comment on Standard: Minotaur


i would take out mortars for dreadbore. its just plain better.

Posted 02 February 2014 at 06:53 as a comment on Minotaur Standard V2


damn. didnt see that, sorry for the mstake.

Posted 28 January 2014 at 04:20 as a comment on Artifact Land Destruction lols


Are you trying to keep this deck in any specific format? Namely modern? Cause if not, then i would suggest dark depths as a replacement for one of your swamps. you already have vampire hexmage, so it would work super well in the deck. you only need one copy, and you don't need to change the theme of the deck at all either. it's a free win-con basically. (Also, your deck would still be legal in legacy and vintage, just not modern.)

Posted 26 January 2014 at 21:13 as a comment on Death's Reap


you should take out isochron scepter. i know it seems amazing with temporal mastery, but isochron can only copy INSTANTS. temporal is a sorcery, and seeing as you dont have any instants whatsoever in the deck... it is kinda useless.

Posted 25 January 2014 at 23:45 as a comment on Turn Lock


ok bond of agony does not win you the game on turn two, as you have to pay x mana as well as life, which makes winning on turn two impossible unless you can pull 20 mana out of your ass.

Posted 25 January 2014 at 23:40 as a comment on Nocturnal Majesty


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