Those are very good suggestions, but as i had stated this is just 1 reiteration of an auras. I didn't include boggles, because then it would be just a boggles deck, plus you draw zero cards with boggles, you draw cards with sram and spiritdancer and that was the angle I was going for.
You are correct, I made the changes putting Lurrus into my sideboard as my companion, and changed the tags to the modern format.
True, i had forgotten about that guy. Thanks
I didn't even remember that, thanks for the heads up
Good points, but I like ungulf the shores really for helping get you out of a bind. Its really not there for any other reason. This deck is slow to start and a very fast agro deck will get you. Baral, Chiel of Compliance is a very good idea.
Thanks for the input, I like the Eldrazi Displacer idea. I would put Authority as a sideboard option, in case your playing against control match-ups with very little creatures.
Your right about the emblem, not sure what I was thinking. Good suggestions on some of the other stuff, this is just my first take on this deck.
You are correct, I wasn't sure what I was thinking of. Good to stop silly shananigans though,
I like mutagenic growth. It fits the stompy idea and you don't have to have mana up for it.
I would place the manabarbs in the sideboard and put 3 gutshots in it's place. I would replace the hunters insight with either 4 arc trails or 4 incinerates. You will already be drawing from the lens.
I don't really want quick silver amulet cause it's not really built that, though I like the idea. I put the priest as a body and I wanted to keep it standard legal for a FNM. I like the Praetor though. Not sure why the sphere though.
Trying to keep it standard
I like your idea, a bit of a soft lock. Try using plague spitter instead of onxy goblet. I know it's a creature, but it can be a pain to deal with.
She is very good to add. She helps a whole lot.
I love pox decks, they hit from every angle. I wanna make a smallpox deck. I play mostly type 2 now, but I really like the deck.
You're probably right about the inkmoth. The mind control was for problems that I either didn't counter or can't burn out. As for the Delver, it is very good with so many instants/sorceries. Thanks for the insight
What will you do if you draw the colossus? See Beyond is not a bad card
Nice deck by the way, it so happens that Hive mind deck is on the rise again, just a couple of weeks ago a SCG legacy tournament was won using hive mind. It can outright win on turn 2 or 3 with ease.
I just tried a couple of sample hands I was definately not short on mana. I was getting minimum 3 lands, which is good in my book. As for plague spitter I always loved that card. Back when mono black control was the rage with mutilates he rocked the board by controlling all the little critters by himself.
Drop unified will all together and put main board brainstorm. Try squeezing in a consecrated sphinx or two. The card advantage is really good and get to killing them faster.
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