instead of mind rots put in hymn to tourach or duress, but hymns are better.
I think contagion clasp would be good cause it would allow for you keep putting counters on your planewalkers. It also kills anything with toughness of one when it comes in.
Also use some tumble magnets to control till you set up inexorable tide. Once you proliferate your magnets its really hard to get by them.
Love the deck, I think I might throw it together and give it some testing. Try some tumble magnets in your side for some control till you can control the game. It's great against pretty much any deck. Oh yeah and Pyroclasms for birds, elves, forges, goblins and all the other little canon fodders. Just my 2 cents.
Wonder is pretty good to have.
Tumble Magnets are a beast on their own especially with Contagion engine. Devine offerings are pretty good to.
yeah your right about it not being standard, you didn't really say you wanted it standard. Well drop the 2 shoal serpents and put in 2 more wall of omens.
I like the deck. Looks fast and fun. I would drop the Ogre's cleaver for Basilisk collar. It's just a better card.
Let start from the top then Drop 1 wooden sphere, 4 Vintara elephant, 1carapace, 1 spidersilk armor, 1 lashknife, 1 holy strength, 1 mobilize, 1 vitalize, 2 gerrards command, 1 lull, 3 rampant elephant, 1 muzzle, 1 rightousness, 1 monstrous growth Add 2 rogue elephants, 3 trained armodon, 3 armadillo cloak, 1 vigorous charge, 1 naturalize, 1 wax/wane, 2 seal of strength, 1 fertile ground Now if you remove just the top cards you will have exactly 60 cards, adding the bottom cards would give you 73 cards basically shaving 7 cards. I don't know what cards you might have so I'm just suggesting multiples of what you have listed. Hope this helps somewhat. Just my 2 cents.
Because the decks that rule right now have swords in em.
I would drop the 2 soulbound guardians and the 2 shoal serpents, for 4 plumeveil ( I think that's how it's spelled).
The only thing I can think of is stripping it from there hands. I think Hymn's or duress should do the trick. You could use shadowmage infiltrator for card advantage. I always loved hypnotic specter, but that's just me.
I like the idea and I know its for fun, but what do you do if they get a creature on the table? Propaganda will slow them down, maybe some counter's or something to bounce there stuff. Just my 2 cents.
How many cards do want in your deck? I know you would like to slim it, but you want the standard 60 cards? And do only want to use the cards on your deck list. Alot of the one of's won't work because it may not impact the game when used.
Like the idea. I would drop the 2 holy days and add 2 more overgrown battlement. I would also drop the 2 pacifism and put in 2 more arrest, it's just a better card.
I like the idea maybe you should put something in to speed up land. Maybe some cultivates.
This deck is beast and you will never see it coming till it's too late...Awesome.LOL
I have always liked wildebeest, this card works so good with so many green cards it's ridiculous. I use to play one awhile back with wall of blossoms, eternal witness and a bunch of other goodies. I will try and put it up. Good deck though
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