might wanna remove blood moon for the time being the recent spike destroys the budget concept
thanks man! took out my flames to put in the torpor orb. I also changed my land base around a bit. the help is much appreciated =D
my biggest thing i can see here is that your deck is just to slow of a win con with not enough ways to get there. So your goal is to use dictate to kill off their board and then beat them down from there? If so you need a better way to stall until then or you are just going to get blitzed out. I also think because of this decks mana curve you will have a lot of trouble with control decks and the RDW (red deck wins) decks. Control does not have enough creatures for your strategy to matter and red deck wins will just be to fast for you. My suggestion is try to streamline. Get some more straight up kill spells, banishing light is great look for more broad control like that. Also some life gain and discard effects will really help you to stall for your plan. Just try and streamline this as much as you can. Like for a starter id recommend setting one goal for your deck like how you want it to win most then focusing everything on that goal. Right now you just seem scattered. Hope this helped i know it was a lot to read so i apologize.
so addition of cavalry pegasus and took my spear of heliod to one and added hall of triumph. Thoughts?
yah i get that. If it seems like a big enough problem them heck yah keep it. I still don't know modern format well enough to make that call hah.
i have been playing this deck for awhile now and keep wanting to try strength of the fallen in the deck. my biggest problem is that i can never think of a good card to lose for it. they all seem so integral. Elvish mystic maybe?
Im no judge but i have played for awhile and "you must pay its costs" seems to me that you could pay life and sac mountains because those are "alternate costs" so like another option of a cost you can use to cast the card. But i have no actual rules text to back me up
ok so now i know you will probably think that i sound extremely repetitive but i think hero of bladehold would be fantastic on this list. also zealous persecution is fun for this deck and im sure you know honor of the pure. Wrath of God seems dangerous in this list because a lot of the time (unless you have out a blood baron) it is going to hurt you more then them. other than that there is always good old thoughtseize and inquisition of kozelik. This deck just has so many great cards that can be part of it i just want you to know all your options so you can make it yours.Here is a "established" modern B/W token list you might find some ideas there!http://www.mtgtop8.com/event?e=7482&d=242882&f=MO
im not super familiar with weenies but im going to see what i can say here to help since you helped with a few of my decks. my first thing i though of when i saw the deck was hero of bladehold and noticed that you had it side-boarded. It seems like the goal of this deck game 1 as much as possible is beat-down and you side in better control cards for game 2. If that is something you can agree with i totally think you should run the hero's main-board instead of the justiciar. I see the azorius justiciar as a great card to get past a deck with a lot of blockers out which to me seems good against like zoo and probably W/B tokens. But most decks wont have enough blockers to make it a better main-board then hero of bladehold. I think hah. Make sense?
i really only worry about bile blight from them =/ should have enough creatures to where single target removal is weak at least im hoping but thanks a lot! ill start testing it out and see if triplicate spirit feels right.
tezzeret is a great tutor and he is a win con too if you get his minus off because your boderposts just kill people then also love dingus egg hah might try that!
spirit bonds is a two drop enchant that when you have a non token creature enter the battlefield under your control you can pay 1 W and get a 1/1 spirit token. You can also pay 1 and 1 W and sac a spirit to make something indestructible. Other than that i just want to know if this deck looks to be competitive and seems like it would be worth my time to build.
ok cool hah well looks like ur good to go
looks solid very scary and fast. I know it is not very cheap but shock lands would make this deck much stronger becuase you run wild nacatl, kird ape, and loam lion. This gets them online much faster!
Oh! One final thing based off what u said your good at you would probably enjoy this lolz modern deck I think my list is pretty set though just think you might enjoy http://www.mtgvault.com/bigg-shaggs-181/decks/garga-geddon/
Two decks I've been trying to make viable and as close to being top tier competitive in their respective formats as they can be. Here is onehttp://www.mtgvault.com/bigg-shaggs-181/decks/modern-red-devotion/And the otherhttp://www.mtgvault.com/bigg-shaggs-181/decks/heroic-weenies/Thanks!
i like that and might add a few for consistency but sundial also stops those triggers from occurring so right now i have 8 cards that help me out. I have not play tested enough to know if that is sufficient
also defense of the heart is really fun esp if you use lands that give them tokens
hah thank you for this. this and squirrel tribal have always caught my fancy but i never got around to making them. it looks great lots of buffing which is what the deck needs. good job.
Hah love this idea and seems like lots of other people do too im sure it is keeping you busy. Ill have to look through eveyones stuff here and try and make comments. here is the deck i found to say something about http://www.mtgvault.com/chrismorris/decks/trondrazi/ cool play off of tron he had goin
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