deck looks good. keep in mind you cannot geosurge into a seething song or another geosurge like you were saying in your how to play section. Geosurge mana can only be used for creature or artifact spells.
I LOVE ELDRAZI. hah props on the deck. Here are my thoughts you can run prophetic prism and ancient stirrings in this deck and you will be able to dig for your lands and win conditions so much faster also i think running relic of progenitus mainboard will not hurt since it is another draw effect and can really be nasty against grave based decks. I think also that khalni gardends are not very strong here and would rather see 4 tectonic edge. finally if you were looking for stuff to cut so that you might work in some of these cards id look at maybe dropping the steel walls and 1 or 2 fogs.
hey so looking at it you have lots of good stuff in here and i love the burn theme you are running with burn at the stake. My biggest thing is that i would recommend krenko over the chancellor not only is he quicker to play but he can keep pumping tokens onto the field every turn for a massive burn at the stake.
Ok yah sorry i forgot that it said nonbasics makes much more sense now...feel like a noob hah
with 35 blue symbols and 11 red symbols why run blood moon? When does it advantage you?
i think in a more enchantment heavy deck that would be great like i do have a decent amount but its hard to find a place.
pharika is good vs control cause she cant be removed and she is also good vs graveyard antics. Say they have athreos she counters him. Also even if you lose one power on nighthowler sometimes the deathtouch is just necessary plus she is just hard to deal with as being indestructible. The speed is not the fastest it is deff more of a midrange deck but i see too much ramp as a waste of slots because it seems to me that this deck is not meant to race people. It is made for more of a grind strategy.
hah the beauty of deck building. so many options and so much possible to tweak before its just right.
i like browbeat its a fun card the hard part is learning when to play it to get them to do what you want hah. Also for chain lightning it is not legal in modern im pretty sure. It was printed in a dual deck which doesnt legalize it and the set it was printed in before that was Legends and that is not a modern legal set. Also personally ive tried reforge the soul and found that it can be great but most of the time it seems to end up in my opening hand or being drawn at bad times and ends up as a dead card. I think if you stick with the elemental theme that sunflare shaman is a very fun card. For your sb you should consider relic of progenitus because it really helps shut down decks like pod or living end (and pod is a big one).
Hey educn! I appreciate your comment on my deck. So on yours I see you are very creature based. I like what you did here but in a lot of modern match ups spark trooper and ball lightning are weak. Even if you keep those in I believe blind obedience is just a waste of a slot. There are two reason for this, one it doesn't help you do damage and in a burn deck that should be all you care about. Two is that this I could see really only being used to slow down aggro decks and any other aggro deck should lose to this. I think assault strobe is better than swift justice because its more damage and in burn you should not care about your own life total. But being said i think both are sort of ineffective and they are more efficient ways. Also you mentioned that I don't need black. I think bump is really great its like another lava spike (which you should consider!) but it also allows me access to rakdos charm in my sb which is a great card. It really helps our decks have a match agains splinter twin decks. Once they go infinite you just rakdos charm and they die and i think that is another great reason to run black.
It takes 2-6. Usually he will cost 4 but more likely 3
Hey man i just recently updated a burn deck i have to make it modern. You looked at it a long time ago and had a lot to say id like to see what you think now. Also for your current deck your sb is a bit funky like you have two of a card that your deck has four of already. other than that i used this list a lot to help me figure out my deck like the deck a lot
Ignore this.
harmonize possibly? or if you use the sword maybe even a land search because it would ramp a lot for you
why do you prefer the totem armor over the discard? I honestly think that even though totem is slightly better after umbra is agone its gone the sword might live longer idk those are such minor details really. Why did you decide to not put any of them in?
have you considered sword of feast and famine? and btw I've play-tested this deck a few times already and love it! its very fun to play
hah also things like haunting echoes or surgical extraction. but this is just for lolz and gotta hope for the best i suppose.
hah I'll tell you if i see anything but im sure you will have it by then you seem very capable as a deck builder. I also love my eldrazi hah have a whole deck based around smacking someone with and Emrakul and It that betrays like turn 4-6 which is kinda slow but still quick for those guys.
yah deff recommend thrumming stone it makes this deck come alive but you will need more searchers so that you can get thrumming out. Check my relentless rat edh deck for ideas if you'd like. i made it to troll around so its not to serious but i think it works.
ok so for awhile now i have been looking to adapt this to make it better if i could and also maybe fit my own style a little more but to be quite honest i can not find anything to change in this deck i disagree with my earlier comment on the kaldra artifacts very good job on this deck!
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