Michiko Konda, Truth Seeker is a good one for this deck, as is Soul Snare
Sanguine bond is tasty Exquisite blood is more tasty Sanguine bond and Exquisite blood together in the same deck is so f'cking delicious
Arcanis the omnipotent could be a fun card to put in this deck.
2 isochron scepters - to take advantage of the lightning bolts
http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=156869 -my version There are several problems I can see with this deck. Firstly, in any tribal deck too many spells are generaly not a good thing. Tribal decks do well when cards benefit from other cards of the same type. I don't see much of that here. There are lots of other cards like death baron out there. Lord of the undead is a must unless you mean for this deck to be built on a budget. Cemetery reaper and undead warchief are also some really good ones to check out. Look at the link for some other cards I think you'll find helpful.
Diplomatic Imunity onto Cho-Manno, Revolutionary after he has Pariah on him.
minister of impediments is good too if you don't want to pay 1 white everytime you tap something
Someone make a deck based around the most useless rare in magic - One with nothing It's an instant, costs 1 black, you discard your hand.
As opposed to shock you might consider seal of fire so that you can wave it in their face. Also rift bolt is also pretty good. Forked bolt would definently be an upgrade for it. Replace spark spray too.
You need Kaho, minamo historian in here and Orim's chant to double the chances. Here's a similar deck that made front page http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=140499
Put in some creature removal. doom blade, go for the throat, rend fleash. I like to take advantage of these spells whenever I play black.
Actually evermind can be played through kaho, minamo historian. this is the text copied straight from the gatherer rulings. "Evermind has no mana cost, which means it can't normally be cast as a spell. You could, however, cast it via some alternate means, like with Sunforger or Kaho, Minamo Historian" and yes i've checked echo mage does work too
Creative wrighting has always been fun and wrighting about places in magic the gathering and D&D are always my favorite settings.
Oh, and I would replace darksteel Colossus with another eldrazi. Annialator at 3rd turn screws them over more than exessive damage alone and reduces the chance that they retaliate with a pacifism or something cause they won't have any lands. It'll also be better for a game of 2 headed giant or Archenemy where your opponent will have more life.
I like it, and I like the fact that it's only 41 cards because that increases your chance of getting the right spells. The burn spells and rampant growth are both good Ideas that complement this deck nicely. I would put in that one ape thing that you can discard for 1 red mana just to speed it up. there's a green version too.
I like it. but if this were my deck i'd add some mana ramp and some draw mechanics. Put in some 3 lanowar elves, put in 1 sol ring, Infiltrator's lens -will do great in this deck, and a garruk's pack leader.
Instead of a megrim you could put in Bloodchief Ascension. A terribly evil combination because they'll take damage untill they run out of cards which i'm sure will be enough to kill them. if not they'll have milled themself to death.
Try in there Kaho, Minamo Historian. she's isochron scepter on a stick. check out this similar deck that i made. it got front page http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=140499
You did a nice job for a generic spirit deck. I've always loved the kamigawa soulshift mechanic. I Think you need more big creatures, the mana curve is low and i think you should have in there a Forked-Branch Garami and mabey an Arashi the Sky Asunder for protection from flyers.
It seems to be because a 4/6 for 4 is pretty good when its ability doesn't slow you down. I think that he could have put something else more useful in there too
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