I was hoping I wasn't the only one who caught that lol
You can transmute Muddle the Mixture
I would consider using Renewed Faith instead of Angel's Mercy
It even has the same name
Its a pro tour deck
Lol yeah i'm not trying to be arrogant or anything but I've been playing for a long time and picked most of the rare cards i have a while ago before they jumped in price...the lion's eye were like $3 a piece and the dual lands and the others were like half if not less then they are now...now people are all like damn i can't believe you walk around with those kind of cards but they are still worth what i paid for them to me
I do have the cards...that's why i posted the deck. I only post decks of cards i really have otherwise there really is no point for me. I don't really think you grasp the concept of this storm deck. Its built around tendrils of agony for a reason. The only other "KILL" storm card is grapeshot. The others produce different effects. Orim's chant is in there in to because its very low mana cost, extremely useful, and easy to string for the storm combo.
this kind of deck is built around control hence the amount of each planeswalker thats used
you might as well tell me to put in one of each of the planeswalkers lol....all the planewalkers bring something different to the table but you also have to remember that i can't just add one of him and two of her...you have to build a functional deck to support them
the journey to nowhere and oblivion ring are in there to set off sigil of the empty throne...this was a rough draft version really...if anyone has more suggestions i would really appreciate it...keep um coming
Oh and check out sadistic sacrament. It's a better alternative to eradicate plus it allows you to see what kind of deck the opponents using, get rid of problem cards, and know what to prepare for
One card that a lot of people don't know about is lim-dul's vault. Its a very inexpensive search card thats perfect in a blue/black deck. I would personally keep counterspell or some other counter card over induce paranoia just because it its casting cost to benefit ratio. Another thing i would consider is having something like a doom blade, or dark banishing kind of card to clear out problem creatures at a low mana cost
Hedron Crab with fetchlands is an easy 6 card mill. The other one i would recommend is polluted delta. Mind Funeral is a must in Blue/Black mill decks. I would definitely get as many Glimpse the Unthinkable cards as you can. I would look into other land cards that have the benefit of black/blue mana in one. One card though that i think would really help is twincast. Its inexpensive and it would be perfect in your deck
I don't see the infinite mana aspect at all. Im not sure how you plan to get Emrakul out with that massive casting cost with the cards you have. Someone please clarify how this deck has any real ways of winning
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