102 Decks, 55 Comments, 8 Reputation

Death Baron and Lord of the Undead, and Zombie Master worked well for me in my zombie deck

Posted 18 November 2011 at 19:58 as a comment on Zombie T2


I absolutely love this deck....How does this deck fair in competitive play and casual play??

Posted 29 October 2011 at 20:17 as a comment on Amor Manes


I do have the Mana Drains. I've been playing since the Revised Edition so I got a lot of really expensive cards for cheap back in the day same with the dual lands. I love Force of Will but I don't have that many blue cards in this deck. I might have to wait to be able to use it so I would rather be able to use a counter spell immediately regardless of what I have in my hand.

Posted 18 August 2011 at 17:53 as a comment on ORB OF PHYREXIA


Love the do you feel about using shrapnel blast...its kind of like goblin grenade but for artifacts..5 damage can eliminate most problem creatures and take a nice chunk of life away from the opponent

Posted 12 August 2011 at 21:37 as a comment on standard RDW


Thanks for making the deck, i'm impressed as usual...i made a version of it called Orb of Phyrexia, can you check it out? Also I saw you made some discard decks recently, I posted one called Discardo. I value your opinions and suggestions highly so if you could check them out and let me know what you think, i would really appreciate it......I have a few killer ideas for decks for you..i'll let you know

Posted 10 June 2011 at 20:15 as a comment on BFM's deck


I am a huge fan of your work and definitely think you are one of the best deck constructors out there so i need your help. I have a request for an Illusionary Mask type deck. You very rarely see this card used and I think it would be a great challenge for you. I've been playing around with cards like Phyrexian Dreadnaught, Eater of Days, Hunted Horror, Hunted Troll, Hunted Phantasm and other creatures that are amazing but have drawbacks when playing them. This is a casual deck so go all out with no are made to be played! I was also using torpor orb, stifle, trickbind, tutors, mana accell, fling, pithing needle but you have free creative control. I greatly greatly would appreciate your help. If anyone can make a kick ass deck its definitely you.

Posted 26 May 2011 at 19:55 as a comment on control


I run a similar mill deck being blue/black deck using the painters/grindstone combo. Some cards that have worked well for me are Circu, Dimir Lobotomist. You may want to try brain freeze instead of memory sluice since you can't really use memory sluice's abilities to the max. Nemesis of Reason has been mentioned before and another great option to consider. You basically have not protection so you need to get out the combo fast. Some additional drawing/search cards would benefit this deck. A card that doesn't see a lot of play but works well for me is Lim-Dul's Vault. If you are running four painters and grindstone, chances are you have at least one in your hand or have at least a 5 card section which can give you the other piece. Its has a very low casting cost and even if you don't want to search your library, you can still rearrange the top 5 cards of your library. Brainstorm, Ponder, Impulse may be some other good card drawing options. Archive trap as mentioned is a good option and sadistic sacrament allows you to not only remove three cards but more importantly allows you to see what the opponents deck is consisted of. Haunting Echoes might be another card to consider as well. Damnation would also be an option because with out any real protection or counters, chances are the opponent is going to be able to start dropping creatures and this provides the only real answer to clear the board. Just some suggestions or cards to check out or possibly consider

Posted 27 November 2010 at 21:42 as a comment on Mill Deck Wins


you've been playing since 9th edition and you have $5000 worth of cards in one deck not to mention the rarity of finding some of these cards....the key word you said was that you have "most" of these cards....the artifact creatures you have also give away the fact that you don't run this deck otherwise you would have a lot better cards than darksteel sentinel, steel wall, chimeric mass.....its an insult to magic that you think you made up this deck full of power nine/garbage cards

Posted 31 October 2010 at 05:55 as a comment on the best artifact deck eva!!!


I can fault it. First you actually have all these cards...second question.. who would play against a deck that has 4 ancestral recalls 4 mox sapphires, you have 4 black lotuses side board..the best part about this deck though is if you are going to make the "best artifact deck eva" and using 4 of whatever power 9 cards you want then this deck is just a jumbled mess..if you can use any cards you want and in any quantity you want then the artifacts/artifact creatures you are using are terrible.. you obviously are new to magic

Posted 30 October 2010 at 21:10 as a comment on the best artifact deck eva!!!


I really like your zombie deck. I made a zombie deck a while back and some cards i would consider using or at least checking into would be:::Death Baron, Zombie Master, Soulless One, Zombie Trailblazer. I would maybe use something like Doom Blade instead of Cruel Revival because Cruel Revival has a large casting cost for what it does

Posted 16 September 2010 at 10:18 as a comment on Zombie Deck (revised/corrected)


Instead of Juggernaut i would consider Lodestone Golem. Scourglass might be a better alternative then Nevinyrral's Disk. I would consider possibly getting different creatures instead of Myr Servitor or at the very least use Myr Retriever. You might want to consider some other alternatives to draw cards than Howling Mine. Howling Mine does help you draw cards but the opponent also benefits from this. Silence seems out of place as well as Oblivion ring.

Posted 13 September 2010 at 13:11 as a comment on artifact balance


I definitely like your deck. I don't really see any real use for Goblin Tunneler...i would perhaps put in a Hellspark Elemental or potentially Ball lightning because you can attack your opponent then fling the creature at your opponent...Hellspark Elemental costs the same as Goblin Tunneler and Ball Lightning costing one more red mana to cast

Posted 12 September 2010 at 13:49 as a comment on Hyperburn


Don't get me wrong this a brilliant deck which obviously led to it being banned but it's actually pretty inconsistent as far as pulling that combo quickly. When you test /run it the results speak for themselves

Posted 08 September 2010 at 22:36 as a comment on hulk flash


This is just a ridiculous mess of cards

Posted 19 August 2010 at 19:49 as a comment on Vampires


I would use the artifact lands Seat of Synod, Ancient Den and Vault of Whispers instead of the island, plains and swamps. This will help make you Master of Etherium stronger and will make Tezzeret's ability more effective. I would actually get rid of Ethersworn Adjudicator since its expensive and doesn't really serve any purpose. I would use Arcbound Crusher because it will benefit from the artifact lands and you can abuse his effect with Master Transmuter to make him really strong

Posted 19 August 2010 at 19:45 as a comment on Artifact Deck


I like the concept of the deck but i think there are better equipment cards than some of the ones you have

Posted 18 August 2010 at 15:33 as a comment on Kor Equipment


Mishra's Workshop

Posted 13 August 2010 at 21:49 as a comment on Favorite Deck


I think Land Tax would be much better than Tithe...costs the same mana but the effect is much better

Posted 09 August 2010 at 10:28 as a comment on Night and Day


This is just a big bunch of expensive cards thrown together

Posted 15 July 2010 at 22:29 as a comment on Turn Two Win


I"m glad you decided to put Master of the Wild Hunt in there. I think it works really well with your deck. I like the Rofellos you added especially with Omnath. I think you should put two Khalni Hydra's back in. With the addition of Rofellos i don't think you need all 4 Fyndhorn Elders. You have more than enough mana accell with Gaea's Touch, Komada's Reach, Llanowar and Rofellos. You can still keep 2 Fyndhorns but i would add the Hyrda back in for sure. I ran through some sample hands and more often than naught you have to many mana accell creatures on the field. This obviously isn't necessarily a bad thing but the Hydra will benefit Primalcrux tremendously and i would personally rather see an 8/8 game ender on the field then another mana accell elf..just something to consider

Posted 08 July 2010 at 19:15 as a comment on Green Power! (Revised)


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