You have a lot of double strike cards, have you considered putting any of the swords in? eg sword of feast and famine etc.. And I agree, Kemba fits very well in this deck.
"the more victims he kills, the more likely he is to get the right one."
Goblin assassin =-)
consider dropping the coat of arms and such and go white green and dump in cards such as harrow, joraga treespeakers and such for ramp.
Id replace trinket mage with ornithopters
Awesome deck except I must question why you put darksteel sentinel in. Wormcoil engine or even steel hellkite are far better 6 mana drops. Also you might consider tempered steel since you have so many artifacts =-)
why not add high tide for infinite mana with palinchron?
I would replace the fonts and howling mines, they give the opponent the chance to get anti enchantment stuff out. You might consider something like overgrown battlements instead for the extra defense and mana for when you level up your ascension. If you need more drawing go with harmonise. Awesome deck though, must be a pain to verse with aggro =-)
What about foil vampires? But in essence I agree with you. Whoever wrote twilight should be shot =-)
Have you considered putting memnite or tempered steel in?
I would go without titan forge or the thrones, they dont really seem to suit your theme...
Why not ezuri (for massive overrun) or immaculate magistrate (great with warcaller)?
You have a lot of useless cards in this deck, I recommend taking out useless cards such as cylian elf, tel-jihad outrider etc and put in things that work with your deck. For instance, Elvish archdruid, elvish champion, eldamri, Joraga warcaller, priest of titania, lys alana huntmaster, wirewood hivemaster, Wellwisher, Quirion ranger (works great with priest and archdruid), Nissa, immaculate magistrate, gilt-leaf ambush, door of destinies (for added lols), timberwatch elf, presence of gond, wirewood channeler, drove of elves, headless one, green suns zenith (to get fauna shaman), wirewood herald and bloodline shaman are all cards I find extremely useful in my own Ezuri EDH Also I would actually wince if someone used giant growth in EDH if you have to use cards like that use wirewood pride, atleast its elfy. Also if you want draw cards consider putting harmonize in. Cheers.
personally I would drop the expiditions, growth spasms and the channelers and add 2 swamps, 2 forests, four harrows and 4 Joraga treespeakers or terramorphic expanse.
I would definitely put trinket mage in just to be sure you get the cards you need.
141-155 of 155 items