Simple, but effective. Almost too simple to rate, mind you. You might want to try Dark Ritual instead of the Coat of Arms, which you don't really need anyway, in my opinion.
Because it can tutor the Megrims :)
Deus: One of the deck's "alternate" modes involves Scion of the Ur-Dragon and Titanic Ultimatum :) Unfortunately the Maelstrom Archangels are a bit expensive, especially for a sideboard card.
I don't suppose it got a negative rating just because of the tutors, though. Some comments to go with the rating would be appreciated.
Well, because I don't have an Enlightened Tutor, and because it's restricted anyway (we play casual but with Vintage tournament rules). I'm getting one eventually, just not now.
Heh. The other day I was considering building a deck based on Buried Alive-ing and Living Death-ing Mossbridge Troll, the Xathrid Demon and one of four Demigods of Revenge, then using the Troll's ability to effectively deal 25 to each opponent. Funny stuff, but the deck was too expensive for my tastes :D
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