There's potential for two different builds. You could go for creature elimination, putting lots of kill cards and wiping the field with Damnation and getting all your Bloodghasts back. In between wipes, Bloodghast and Gatekeeper of Malakir could serve as toss away blockers that gain you 2 life each time with Kalastria Highborn. If you want to run with that, take out Bloodline Keeper, Captivating Vampire, and put in Bloodthrone Vampire, plus a few more kill/control cards. The other route is to make a creature control deck. Get rid of Kalastria Highborn and tune all the other creatures down to three per. Sorin, Lord of Innistrad is a good addition, especially if you're running a splash of white. Put in more economy creatures like Pulse Tracker, Blood Seeker, or just more lands so you can establish a strong field control. Remember that Captivating Vampire's effect can forcibly tap vampires with summoning sickness, so dropping 3 creatures is a big deal. Personally, I'd set it up so that you can side out for one deck or the other whenever the situation permits.
Ten letters.
Close enough.
Just going along, plopping done some mana, when all of a sudden...
Well, it works, if nothing else :/
Ten letters?
Well, if you think about it, a tree is alive, but lives through the death of other organic forms that turn into soil, and it's very mechanism for doing that is an orderly existence.
I'm so hipster...I had this idea before it was on the front page. Too bad, yours got more attention :P
I made an EDH deck based on aggressive walls, Doran is commander. Take a look?
Ouch, that's a good general, but bad for relationships :/
Definitely Rings of Brighthearth. Ashnod's Altar would be good for mana ramp, especially with a token spammer...speaking of which, is that why you like Pentavus? One Pentavus and Skullclamp equals about ten card draw, with Ashnod's Altar, it's about ten mana...
Cloudstone Curio is good for generals that have died too many times. If you have a Doran, the Siege Tower that's died 3 times, its casting cost from the Command Zone is effectively five times what you could get if you just bounced it back to your hand and cast again...
A guy can dream, can't he? Besides, this deck can't be played anywhere, it's just a story.
Wow...this is better than decks I've diagrammed out beforehand :O
This is awesome, but could you side out Lightmine Field and put in 2xPropaganda and 2xGhostly Prison? See, both of those cost less and is more mana flexible and more or less limits the amount of creatures attacking you, but Lightmine Field would be more effective when there's a guaranteed large attack every turn.
Well, probably because it's difficult for noobs like me to use effectively...>.>
Can you take a look at this deck? I'm trying to compile a list of the best cards for EDH, and I was wondering if you'd have anything to add:
Please comment?
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