You get information about what a player's about to get or in opponent's hand, then uses that as leverage when making plays. Spymaster keeps players from attacking you because they all want to draw cards. Anytime a player is getting too strong, target them with a well timed spell or help out their opponents. All the graveyard affecting cards is just there because my friends have an annoying habit of running Rise from the Grave, Necromancy, and things like that.
Non basic lands would be fine.
Wow, the card efficiency in this deck is incredible.
I have to ask, do you play Minecraft?
This is pretty awesome and pushing the limits of the new format. Only concern is that the early game could be slow. Will show this to my friend who made it. Thanks for helping us :)
I like hard counters, since they're more useful late game. I will side Rune Snag though. Will do the change with Rest for the Weary and Ghostly Flicker.
Again, it's mostly a blocking deck. By the time I've gotten Beastmaster out my opponents should be forced to block and next turn he won't have any creatures left.
It's designed to be a blocker deck that deals damage as it blocks, depending on regen to keep my creatures alive. Since I'll always use less mana to regen than to cast the card itself, I should be able to keep some mana open to play more creatures. But, that's a good point about Naturalize. I always run them because my friend keeps putting Swords of Feast and Famine in his deck :/ Terrible sport.
Thank you so much!
You might as well take out 3 Serra Avatars. You only search for one anyways.
Doesn't really fit well, nothing else has activated abilities...
Ten letters.
Thanks! I'll side the Licid in...oldie but goodie.
I've got that underway...maybe I'll just name it Ultimate D*** Deck.
>.< Yeah, playing against turbo fog is like getting choked to death.
Dunno if that'll fit in with the main deck, but I'll side it for things that can't be controlled.
If I pit my deck against this deck, which do you think will win? :P
Thanks! And will do :)
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