I would add some Dragonskull Summit atleast. Or some Blackcleave Cliffs. Just to help the mana situation (not that there is one). I would trade the Arc Trails in for some Lightning bolts as well. Being able to hit 2 targets is great. But the 3 damage for 1 Red is just awesome. and maybe trade the Virulent wound in for some Virulent Swipe? it add +2/+0 and deathtouch with rebound at instant speed.
I agree. More creatures.
Touche. I have no idea why I thought otherwise. Thank you for the correction.
I have finished my deck as of right now. been playing it with some friends and it works nicely. One combo I can suggest is Sheoldred and Doomgape. If you sacrifice the creature to Doomgape, you gain all that life. Then, you just put it right back into play. Now let's say it's an artifact creature. Wurmcoil Engine for instance. You sacrifice the Wurmcoil, get 2 3/3 tokens into play. Then bring back your Wurmcoil Engine. Repeat each turn :) You gain a ton and get a ton of creatures. I love it. haha.
I think you're a dead card... your face... jerk.
At this point... I will take what I can get.
I rather enjoy the Overgrown Battlement :) I think it is a really good way to stop early attacks (say from mono red) and if you have two of them in play you get a little bonus. But perhaps with having 8 elves in your deck. Maybe Elvish Archdruid would be of some service? I guess play testing would help with that. to see if it would do any good. :) I do think you have a solid foundation though! that's for certain.
I would say just add some of the B/U lands. Creeping Tar Pit. Darkslick Shores. Drowned Catacomb. also -4 Flayer Husk. +4 Vector Asp. Add Inkmoth Nexus. Turn it into a 1/1 flyer and use Tezz's -1 ability and attack twice it's GG. :) Keep working on this. I think you got a good thing going.
The only thing I can suggest is maybe change the number of some of the cards you have. Choose which one will be more beneficial for you. For instance, I chose 4 Growth Spasm in my Valakut deck because I wanted to be able to cast Primeval Titan on turn 4. Or would you rather play Cultivate to ensure you have the land drops each turn? and glimmerpost will almost always do nothing for you. gaining one or two life is insignificant. Try Khalni Garden out. It'll stop a big ground creatures attack and in the long run will save you more life. hope this helped.
Hm. I think if I were to make this deck I would try the Kalastria as well. I am sure it would be difficult to play around with this math, but it's not a bad idea. Kalastria Highborn = Math. I absolutely loved her in my Vamp deck.
more like butt shot. That card is homosexual with other red cards. And Act of Aggression is a pretty good idea.
Hey I am loving this. If Thraximundar is your Commander (which I definitely think he should be) you just need to make sure you have cards that have good synergy with him. Like when a creature goes to the graveyard you gain something from it. Sangromancer. Massacre Wurm. Blade of the Bloodchief. anything like that will be awesome. Great start though.
ficky ficky Slim Shady
This looks a lot better! I like it. And I am really getting into the unwinding clock thing as well. I think just having one in there is a good idea. and try moving the Rage Extractor to 3. and you'll probably need more than 22 lands. Not sure about that though. cause you got birds and elves. you'll just have to test it. it shouldn't be too hard to make though.
nah. too clunky. either go infect or don't. I am in LOVE with Moltensteel Dragon though. Pair that with a Rage Extractor and you're money. Just go all dragons. minus the Ichorclaw Myr and Plague Myr. And Elvish Archdruid will never work with only 2-of and 2-of Llanowar.
Moat. :) or just Stormtide Leviathan.
This just speaks to me in so many ways. First there was storm crow. and I didn't think Magic could get any grander than that. Then... Amaxwell123 came along and showed me the light. This is Legacy ready my friend.
LOL yes sir I do.
It says "I don't know why I referenced Killer Instinct" so... there is your answer. also, Ninjadog? I would understand all too well if it were a monkey but a dog?
Very valid point Mr. Lordi. I completely agree. 4 lightning Bolts are a must. also, Goblin Bushwhacker. Goblin Guide. Take out: Elixir of Immortality, Ichor Wellspring, Chancellor of the Forge (seriously?) Go to the gas station. buy a can of gas. Get some matches. Play some Magic. and burn this Motha down.
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