This is the worst deck ever... Come up with something original and I will comment on it... turd.
ugh... Dark Ritual? c'mon. You don't need that. Just keep it standard. If not, add a Vampire Nocturnus. and Bloodghast :)
I hate everything about you...
Update: you suck.
Piranha Marsh will only ever do 0-2 damage in the entire game. and you won't really need 23 lands. Perhaps take out some lands? The dark rituals will definitely help out there. and of course the fact that your mana curve is great.
If you're going with Hurricane, I would suggest trying out Squall Line instead. It is instant speed. Cost one more G to cast though. and since you have so many creatures, maybe a Lead the Stampede might be in order? or Joraga Warcaller?
Clever... Very clever.
I tried to get 2 of them in here. But I just couldn't do it. And spending the 1U to level it each turn might be a bit cumbersome. BUT... none the less. I will try that out IRL and see if it will be something I like. Thank you for your time and for your comment.
One more idea if I could. Skullclamp... drink it in. Think about it.
Why do people do this "worst deck ever" decklists? This obviously isn't the worst deck ever. This is almost Tournament Quality. You add 1x Doom Blade or even 1x Thermokarst you got something going. I think you should re-evaluate your deck building skills. This is like poetry in motion. You untap with Wood Elemental in play and it's "GG Noob" All. Day. Long. Kudos, Sirrealist, Kudos.
I think adding Fauna Shaman will help. Also, perhaps even 2 Ezuri, Renegade Leader. If not to use his ultimate, but to use his regeneration ability. and since your dudes have infect anyways, perhaps Overwhelming Stampede might work better? Could go either way I suppose. Primal Bellow would be awesome here too. Hope these suggestions helped.
I would suggest Bloodchief Ascension over Quest for the Gravelord. Also, your mana curve is quite sporadic. When you cast your Captivating Vampire, you want there to be a bunch of Vampires out so you can get a ton of value from it. Trade out your Guul Draz Assassin for some Vampire Lacerators and some Guul Draz Vampires even. The obvious Vampire combo is Kalastria Highborne and Bloodghast. Maybe try using some of them.
Totally agree with Chrispychinski about All is Dust. But my all time favorite artwork is Goblin Piledriver. Honorable Mentions: Worms of the Earth, Mayael, The Anima, Infernal Medusa, and anything by Quinton Hoover. (Vesuvan Doppleganger for reference)
I like it just for the fact that it's B/G and Glissa is your main dude. I am in the process of making a B/G commander right now. it's tough doing this for the first time. especially when I don't know the cards that well. Good job so far!!!
First thing. Keep the Redirect. It's the only thing making your deck stand out from all the other Blue Black infect decks out there. Way to be a little bit original. Don't just fall in line. And if you're trying to keep the cost of your deck down, try using Foresee instead of Jace Beleren. They essentially do the same thing, but Jace does it better. Hence the reason he is worth a bit more. The Consuming Vapors is fun, but I agree with the others, it just doesn't fit with the synergy of the deck. I would also cut the Corrupted Conscience and put them in your sideboard. If you are playing creature heavy decks, or decks that run Titans, you'll love slamming a CC down on one of them. :) Disfigure might be a good one to try for you as well. Maybe cut down to 3 GftT and try 2 Disfigure. Phyrexian Vatmother FTW she is amazing. add 2 of her.
We are no longer the Knights who say... NEE!
Very true. I am really surprised no one else caught that. Maybe even add a Harrow? But I am sure you've already thought of that.
Hey, I like your deck. It's a little bigger than most other decks. You should be proud.
i am not seeing too much synergy here. I like all of the creatures that you have, I just don't think they mix well together. If you want Khalni Hydra to get our as fast as possible then you should try spells like Awakening Zone, Growth Spasm, Kozilek's Predator, or Nest Invader. I think maybe using the Growth Spasm would help out a lot. it will get you your lands, and the creatures you need as well. Also, Gaea's Revenge is a great card. but it's definitely a sideboard card for this deck. Bump up the Green Sun's Zenith to 4 Take out the Nature's Spiral.
Try using Mass Polymorph then with cards like Khalni Garden, Chimeric Mass, Glint Hawk Idol, or Inkmoth Nexus. It's just an alternative to what you are playing already. I hope my comments helped and didn't come off as rude or pushy.
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