the idea of her is good but she costs a lot of mana... she'd be so much better at 4 mana, 3 mana might be a little to broken but 4 mana would be perfect... anyway, such is my opinion. On the other hand, if a person wants to put a card in a deck because they simply "like" that card, far be it for me to say other wise. I mean good lord, i have decks with cards worthy of being put to a match, simply because i like the card. So more power to you my friend!
my suggestion would be to drop some colors... but that just me... 5 color decks are hard to make work if you don't literally base it around five colors. for example the card "fist of suns" and or any of the "bringers". "Channel the suns" is another example of a card that's geared at 5 colors.In this deck you have 2 different tribes of dragon. R/B and W/B. You should try to pick one and stick with it. From there if you want to splash green for surrak then that's fine. I however would take sarkhan our completely... That's just my opinion.If you want to make something work with sarkhan you might think about going with the atarka tribe dragons and splash blue to keep your colors consistent.Hope this helps! =)
I think some of the cards you mentioned would do nicely if you wanted to go down that rout. I made a deck around the idea of discard and mill but i couldn't really make the mill work myself so discard might be a better option.
I'm looking into building a deck like this as well... seems like discard decks plus kolaghan are more popular but i'm still thinking about a mill idea...mind crack kinda seems a little less useful here then if should be... that being said you have quite a few two mana drops. Why not consider putting in a few more counter spells and have more of a stall tell the end game strategy? maybe more creature removal as well to help with kolaghan? you only have the 2 terminates... maybe visions of beyond is better then brow beat? specially sense it's instant speed and can be played on his turn after you know you don't have to counter anything? i like everything else! some expensive cards in here!+1
very cool. idk about liliana though. not really a fan of her. +1
I like this deck! What do you think about adding a mil mechanic here? take as much advantage of kolaghan as possible?
i don't think your combo works because gift of immortality attaches to the creature at the beginning of the next end step. Next you might say just do this on you end step, but problem with that is the ability is only trigger by "the beginning" of an end step. which means it is put on the stack only then and after it resolves it wont be able to trigger that ability again that turn. Now i very well may be wrong, cause this is my own interpretation of the card, so you might want to get someone else's opinion on the matter, or you could just simply go about playing the combo as is! who's to blame!on another note, i like the deck! very cool! +1!!!
why dragon ball z?
You're right! I stand corrected! cascade is freaking awesome!
with the current colors you have you can't actually cast any creatures like that... however polymorph will get them out... so in that case i'd suggest creatures other then madrush cyclops. ( think really big... mana doesn't matter considering you can't cast it for it's mana cost anyway)craterhoof behemoth, dragonlord kolaghan, and probably my favorite out of this is urabrask the hidden.if you feel like gambling with odds in your favor, maelstrom wanderer could be AWESOME! but cross your fingers that you don't cascade a polymorph cause then you're all kinds of screwed! =P
I think this is a better try at this deck fyi. Please feel free to comment with new/more/other ideas and card suggestions! Thanks!
in some ways i agree with nova. Why this elspeth? I think sun's champion would be better in spite of the fact it's one more mana.That being said I still don't think elspeth is a good idea. How about garruk wildspeaker? Good mana ramp, gives you tokens, and in the case you can't get worldspire wurm, a nice overrun with a bunch of tokens in always a win/win!Kiora is another interesting idea for mana ramp and drawing cards. just fyi...
summer bloom plus bounce lands like selesnya sanctuary and azorius chancery is really nice mana ramp because it doesn't empty you hand of mana. Gives a boost to you card advantages. deck is a good example of that ( amulet of vigor plus bounce lands = broken mana ramp)
sweet idea! I had a similar idea to this in a blight steel colossus and shape anew for a deck that was kinda fun. It didn't really end up working as well as i had wanted probably because I did a bad job of putting it together but it was still a fun deck! And i'm sure this one is a bunch of fun as well!Firstly, I don't really care for your mana ramp situation. I think you could do better with overgrowth plus some sort of land untap (possibly a creature untap would work... Even though you might end up pulling a few of those out when you go to polymorph. but you have to take into consideration you will also be exiling the creature you used to untap the lands in the first place which gives you an additional creature search.)secondly, I'm not so sure about"raise the alarm". Yea it's cheap and yes i'm sure it get's the job done, but for one, it's the only token creature spawning card you have. (besides the plainswalker that is. But are you really going to wait to get to the plainswalker to get tokens on the field?) That brings me to my next point. What is elspeth doing in this deck? first ability you gain life for each creature you control... What creatures? the 2 tokens you get from your "raise the alarm"? doubtful considering you're trying to sac those creatures with polymorph. I hope it's not the creatures that it pumps out with it's minus 2 ability cause i'm sure that'll be a target for any creature you opponent controls. ( you can't block because then you lose the tokens for polymorph.) it's last ability is awesome but i'm sure a day of judgement is far superior then waiting on elspeth do that for you.lastly, you got a lot of crazy lands going on, most of which are life paying lands. You have no way of getting that life back except for elspeth which isn't so reliable as I explained earlier. Your land search card is specific to basic lands which you have 5 of.I'm very much digging path to exile and ghostly prison. those cards are cool. Day of judgement is another really cool card here for protection. That being said, what i'm about to say may be crazy talk, but, you might think about dropping white. and try to find a different way to go about doing everything you white cards are doing.Check out this link to a deck with some cards that I think you should check out (probably wont use all of them, or maybe any of them, but if nothing else it'll at least give you some ideas!) this helps! Let me know how everything tures out! Again I think the idea for an awesome deck is here so don't give up!P.S. Sorry for the extremely long comment! =P
Ruiqi - Hey ruiqi! Thanks for you comments! I really appreciate them! Firstly the reason I chose Armadillo cloak of rancor when I first created the deck was for the extra life gain. The reason for this is because against a really fast agro deck, you might need some extra life to try to slow down their onslaught. be that life you gain from block his creatures (thinking a mass amount of tokens that i can't block all of them), or gain some life when I'm on the offensive (could be against an agro unblockable deck). Honestly though, rancor is superior ( I would say it's hugely superior, due to the fact that armadillo cloak stacks it's lifelink, but still superior).As i was telling Dedwards, I don't really play to many tournaments, but I think to really make this deck pop in a tournament situation, a board wipe of some sort would be awesome here. think dauntless escort sacs for indestructible creatures plus a wrath. just for argument's sake you then attack with either of the domoka's (one you gain life with while the other you bolster you creatures). would be a nice little combo (Honestly i think i'm gana put that in now that i'm talking about it... =P ). But path to exile is definitely another card that probably should go in here to make this a good tourny deck for it's colors. I would likely also have so find some other lands to work the deck better, better mana ramp idea, and a draw card mechanic of sorts. But yea, if you want to try the deck out in a tourny you go for it! if you do please let me know how you do cause that'd be awesome to know how my idea actually stands decent against other decks... =)P.S. As far as you suggestion that there are better enchantments out there, i 100% agree! I didn't really put a bunch of time into the deck, kinda throw it together in about a half hour or so in light of the new set that came out. What can i say, I <3 dragons! =)
Dedwars - Thanx for the suggestion Dedwards! I appreciate it a lot! But like you had mentioned, armadillo cloak does stack which is why I would probably choose it over unflinching courage. I really don't play any tournaments as much as I might be interested in playing simply because i don't have the time, but it might be fun to try this out at some point. If i were to play tournaments though i'd definitely sideboard some field clearers, put in path to exile and probably go some a few other more over powered cards. probably should try to find some sort of card draw mechanic to go along with this as well... Anyway, any other ideas/cards you can think of would be greatly appreciated! Thanx a bunch!
Chosen by heliod and divine favor. I hadn't thought about using enchantments to boost individual toughness for some reason. It kinda just went right over my head and when i saw your deck i thought to myself, "Holy crap i'm an idiot why didn't i think of that!". =Pedolon of blossoms is quite an awesome card but i think you could get more out of it here... Is there something other then yoked ox or ever wall of mulch you could use? Few things i found that might work would be Ordeal of heliod, bow of nylea, gift of immortality, nylea god of the hunt, glaring aegis, aegis of the gods. Those are all standard for the moment... That being said some of them may not be all that great but a few ideas.I like your deck though! it's quite interesting and very awesome! =)
... sad face... i'm not the only one with the idea!... although i had a fealing i wasn't, which is why i'm here! I'M STEELING CARDS! THANX!P.S. nice deck, i'm diggin' it!
Yea, but there are only 2 cards here that really works with that. I think there would need to be more instances where that card would help to really need it. I do think some form of damage doubler is a good idea though. The one I made I out in furnace of wrath. What's cool about that is after doubling the damage done to "stuffy doll" (or a creature similar to that) it doubles the damage again done to the player. So a 5 damage spell literally is a 1 shot kill combo. Lightning axe is my friend!
Hmmm, that's really not a bad idea!!! Thanx a lot!!!
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