If you have any other ideas please post! i'm really trying to make this deck as good as I can without over stepping the idea of it! Thanks!
Immortal servitude! fantastic idea! Just the suggestion of that card for this deck almost makes me want to buy this deck. good call kajiya
Ambush commander doesn't help Droves of elves. Droves of elves says green permanents. forests are green permanents.
TY i appreciate the suggestion!
instead of primal hunter, you should think about "garruk, caller of beasts". in my opinion, a much better card. at least for what you're trying to do. plus, "garruk, caller of beasts" will help you search for your beloved blightsteel and an elvish piper (which i will recommend for the deck as well)also, elvish piper anyone? it's an elf that brings any creature to the battlefield by tapping 1 mana. plus it's another elf. instead of executioner's hood you might think about lightning greaves, or swiftfoot boots. the hood doesn't really make sense to me. "you doubled the number of poison counters you needed to kill me and made it unblockable... congrats." kinda how i'd feel if you ever pulled it off. besides, you will have wasted all that time trying to get those equipment out there for blightsteel and then maybe someone will O-ring him or path to exile. with lightning greaves on the battlefield, you need a total of 5 mana to hit the other player that turn. 4 mana to cast elvish piper, equiped greaves for 0 [gains haste] put blightsteel out for 1 equip greaves for 0 again and whack. if somehow your opponent survives, lightning greaves give blightsteel shroud so no exiling.maybe "elvish harbinger" or "elvish guidance" instead of "drove of elves". Arbor Elf + overgrowth is an amazing combo for mana ramp. Primordial hydra plus fireshrieker is kinda an awesome combo, which is why i didn't suggest taking fireshrieker out, but i'm not seeing this infinite life combo. broken fall is regen target creature, while tree of redemption is switching life total and toughness. you might wana check your rules on that combo.Just a few ideas for you! hope your deck works out well! good luck! (P.S. sry for writing you an essay... =P)
i really like some of the cards you have in here save, maybe 2 or 3. not a huge fan of the mystic snake. My reasoning is because it's so much mana. I suppose i like the momentary blink with it but still don't know how i feel about it. i think you might think about looking into lavinia of the tenth. Amazing card to blink, almost unmatched and would definitely be a must kill for the opponent. Another card that i'm not a huge fan of is the thragtusk. I understand what you're getting at with him but i just don't know if i like him or not. lastly not a huge fan of coiling oracle. instead of the oracle, i'm thinking "gatecreeper vine". virtually does the same thing except it is constant mana ramp.So a few creatures you might looks at. i already mentions "lavinia of the tenth" and "gatecreeper vine". a few more that are kinda cool are, "Sunblast Angel", "Infinite Reflections", "admonition angel" (blink you lands), and then a few other "landfall" cards if you're interested in them. But yea check those out, see if you like them or not! hope i helped!
invest in some Master transmuters. Flash myr is another excelent card. master transmuter also works beautifully with your unwinding clock. although i personally don't use unwinding clock in my artifact deck, it's still kinda a fun card for sure.If you're interested in looking at my artifact deck, here it is!http://www.mtgvault.com/beast258/decks/master-transmuter/
trust me i understand why you have them in there. they're really good cards. I personally gave up trying to make a faerie deck simply because the deck wouldn't be worth making without those cards. but that being said, Vendillion is still a 45 dollar card and bitterblossom is somewhere about 14.But yes, both of which are absolute staples to faerie decks =)
Why the liege? i mean it's a good card if you got a ton of blue AND black cards (emphasis on the and). But as it stands the only blue and black card you have is oona and she's in your side board. I would think it would be much more beneficial to put in another scion and/or more faerie swarms? the scion is invaluable because of the shroud (besides, it does everything minus being a 3/2 that the liege does). Not to mention flash? "oh you're going to target my creatures with an Oblivion ring? I think not! you can just target your own creatures instead!"
are you trying to make me go broke? =Pi'm just kidding, you got a nice deck there but you also got some seriously expensive card my friend!
instead of zephyr sprite maybe, faerie impostor? faerie impostor + 2 mistbind clique = perma mana tap. thats kinda rediculous. that or Glen Elendra Pranksters + mistbind clique + any creature = same thing. The pranksters kinda mess with your mana curve though. Familiar's ruse might be another card to look into. my train of thought is keep returning creatures to use their flash/enter combat abilities to their fullest. how about "turn to mist". could be another useful combo with the mistbind clique. (assuming you have 2 of them and 1 is championing the other)only thing you gotta look out for is counters. invest in some in a play set of "cavern of souls"? if you're willing to spend that kinda monies. at least it's not as expensive as vendilion clique right? cause that card is stupid rediculous.
Interesting! Definitely some awesome ideas! I personally don't know that I like the high costing mana spells you have but in some cases I'm sure they're very useful! That Legendary Praetor you have in there is AWESOME if you can get him out before you end up dead. Although I think you have quite a few holes. For Example: White decks = "Day of Judgement" is a major counter to almost all infect decks. Red decks = Lightning Bolts, Weak Burn Spells, Burn decks. (akroma's memorial = Protect from Red. Thats if you can get the card on the field. Mana cost + drawing it) Token Decks could quite possibly over run you if you're not careful. I think the deck would do ok against creature decks, green decks, and black decks of different types though so thats definitely a plus!!! If you'd like to see what I've been thinking please do. I would also love some suggestions and comments positive and negative are both very much welcome! http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=364081
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