Yea...I'm not going to disagree with that.
Had to look her up, never heard of her lol.
You're welcome.
Man, what did you pull then? Voice of Resurgence is the most expensive card in Dragon's Maze rather.
Voice of Resurgence? At the last base I was stationed at I took first at FNM and got a foil Baneslayer Angel. It was awesome.
Spark Trooper is an instant six life IF he hits. Usually when my opponent plays one I'll burn it in response to him declaring attackers. Not to mention if your opponent sides in Blind Obedience then your Spark Trooper is a waisted slot once that enchantment hits the field.
I live in San Antonio so I could go to a more crowded FNM if I wanted too but I don't have the time to play 4 rounds and then do a top 8. Although I would love to see how I would do.
Nope not too much.
Being a big control player myself, I wouldn't go with 3 Syncopate and 1 Render Silent. Honestly I wouldn't go with Render Silent at all but that is just me. You want Dissipate in there some where as well as Counterflux. Get a hold of a 3rd Sphinx's Revelation if you can as well as Supreme Verdict, at least 2-3. You want Think Twice in here because it gives you card advantage and filters the deck with draw. Ral Zarek is nice but I think Jace, Architect of Thought will do more for your deck and filter it. Why isn't AEtherling in here also? Hopefully my deck can provide you with some ideas: It went 3/1 at FNM.
I do like Grixis. Just haven't seen a Grixis deck place at tournaments.
That is usually why people just go Esper.
Thragtusk and Angel of Serenity for sure. Might want Restoration Angel also. I'd run it over Advent of the Wurm. Edit: Also Bant Control doesn't need that many counters. It usually realies and it's creatures to control the board. Board wipe never hurts though in case you go up against a heavy aggro deck
Path to Exile.
Probably is.
Go for it. I just wouldn't use Boros Reckoner in a Jund deck. There are better options for Jund.
Honor of the Pure is good to hold off against red aggro. There are tons of ways around mono red decks but as Geezer stated, red has answers for white. Since you said he favors burn then Leyline of Sanctity should buy you a lot of time cause he can't target you.
You can only have 15 cards in your sideboard man lol but it's casual play between you and your friend so no biggie. She doesn't have protection from red but look into Baneslayer Angel. Although if you want a creature with protection from red then look into Akroma, Angel of Wrath
White is the right answer to shut down anything period, that is why majority of decks run it. U/W control is a very good deck for this. Does your friend beat you with burn or aggro? If he beats you with burn then Leyline of Sanctity just kills his entire deck cause red cannot deal with enchantments well. If he beats you down with aggro look into Wrath of God/Day of Judgment/Supreme Verdict.
So then every creature is pointless in an aggro deck. Edit: Looking at majority of the aggro decks that place first, they all have 2-4 Boros Reckoners. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like your logic is: Boros Reckoner dies to removal so he sucks. By that logic...every creature that doesn't have hexproof sucks. far from the truth. If you don't believe me go check on the decks placing first and see for yourself. Also you wouldn't run Boros Reckoner in a Jund deck. He doesn't exactly fit into it. At least I wouldn't anyways.
Llanowar Elves is not legal in standard. Edit: Nevermind I see what you're doing. M14 cards.
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