I hate to slightly burst your bubble, but Green Sun's Zenith is banned in Modern. The closest substitute that most people use if they want a similar effect is Chord of Calling (slightly more expensive, but it can fetch creatures of any color). Also, another creature that works great with Melira is Murderous Redcap, infinite damage if you can find a way to sac him for free. Hope this helps, good luck!
Shocked you don't have Izzet charm, any particular reason?
Armada Wurm could definitely work as most spot removal doesn't properly deal with it + it is out of Mizzium Mortar range. That said, without any mana ramp I'm not sure how consistently I'll be able to cast it, but if I find in play testing that I end up with 6+ lands by the end of most games I will absolutely make that change. Thanks!
So I like the concept, but I think the only reason to add Red to this deck (until Gatecrash) is so you can play Huntmaster of the Fells and/or Bonfire. Hellrider is fine, but double red in the mana cost can really have an impact on your mana stability, and that alone isn't nearly worthwhile. Ash Zealot on the other hand will rarely get played on turn 2, so I would take that out regardless.
Well I'm gonna say Selesnya, but I'm not sure you should take that into too much consideration, being that I myself am going to be running some form of Selesnya myself, so needless to say there is quite a bit of bias in my choice haha. Speaking of which, I'll be uploading that deck later today, feel free to drop a comment if you have a chance!
My recommendation would be: -2 Sigarda (maybe move it to the sideboard) -1 Garruk Primal Hunter +3 Wolfir Silverheart or Thragtusk (your preference, Silverheart will kill you opponents faster, Thragtusk gives you some insurance against aggro and board wipes, I personally prefer Silverheart but both work). As far as the sideboard goes, it looks pretty good, although there are much better options for graveyard-hate than Purify the Grave. I'm basically running the same deck as this, but with the above suggestion, plus I'm also using Strangleroot Geist over Call of the Conclave (that's more of a personal preference). Let me know how the deck works, I haven't had the chance to test it in an actual FNM environment yet so although I'd like to think its awesome, I won't know for sure until I do. Good luck!
My first thought is replace the Pilgrims, Smiter, and Call of the Conclave for 4 Restoration Angels and 4 Thragtusks. Index is also just ok, maybe add Azorious Charm? Snapcaster doesn't do a ton here either, so maybe bump him down to 2 and add a 3rd Skyknight or Entreat. Other than that I don't have any immediate suggestions besides possibly adding something like Terminus, since your mana curve has been raised quite a bit you are definitely leaving yourself more vulnerable to aggro strategies, and nothing quite says "game over" like a miracled Terminus on turn 4 or 5, and then following it up with an Armada Wurm. Sideboard looks really good, no immediate suggestions, although the extra 2 Rootborn Defenses might be a lil excessive... Anyway, good luck!
My only suggestion is that you might want to reconsider Ash Zealot. It fits great into the deck, but I don't know how reliably you will be able to cast it on turn 2 (or even turns 3 or 4 for that matter) given your mana base.
I think its tough to say anything will take up a "good portion" of standard, jund and grixis do seem to be in good positions, but neither appear to be especially powerful. Also I'm skeptical as to how powerful Frites can be, now that graveyard hate is seeing main-deck play, with cards like Dryad Militant and Ash Zealot. As for suggestions for this deck, I agree with getting rid of Archwing, the card is fine but a 4th Hellrider and another Thundermaw would be better. Also, Reforge seems questionable, usually decks that play it are decks that plan to dump out their hands by turn 4-ish, something you clearly wont be doing. Mizzum Mortars or possibly a 4th Searing Spear would be a better fit.
Why Volcanic Geyser over Devil's Play? The latter just seems like a straight up better card :/
A cheaper card to consider that will dramatically help with your consistency is Bloodgift DemonI highly recommend you check him out.
I like the concept, but your creature base confuses me. Adaptive Automaton has no place in this deck, (this is supposed to be control, not zombie-aggro). I think adding some Griselbrands or Consecrated Sphynxs would be extremely heplful, given that you dont have the card draw to guarantee you even get Bolas every game, and even if those 2 cards dont find him, Griselbrand especially can be just as game breaking. One othet suggestion would be switch Evil Twin with Phyrexian Metamorph, until rotation at least.
I would include a few Solemn Simulacrums to add some consistency, and give this deck another way to deal damage on the odd chance your opponent manages to Surgically Extract Obliterator from your deck :P
I am playing a somewhat similar version of mono black control, and this past FNM I learned a few things that you may find helpful: 1. This deck, in its current form, has no answer to Nicol Bolas/Karn. Now I know you might be thinging "what deck in standard is playing Bolas"? Well, as I found out, Grixis control can basically have a turn 6 win condition by dropping down Bolas following a Gilded Lotus. Aside from if you have Duress/Despise, Bolas is game over 9/10 times against this deck, without sideboard Karn/Hex Parasite that is. 2. By some absurdly bad luck, I played against Super Friends the same night, and while it went to game 3, it was a very difficult matchup. While not as devestating as Bolas/Karn, it is tough to answer to turn 3 Liliana, turn 4 Sorin, turn 5 Tamiyo, especially when cards like Mutilate and BSZ are almost useless in your hand. So in other words, I would highly recommend sideboarding at least 2 Karns/Hex Parasites, this deck simply is too weak to planeswalker-heavy decks in its current form. Oh, and given that you only have 2 real "win conditions" with Griselbrand/Sorin's Vengeance, watch out for Surgical, could really kill you early on. Good luck!
Seems solid, I would have the Go For the Throats main deck and Doom Blade sideboard, simply more mono-black decks than there are Tempered Steel/all artifact decks today. Also, I prefer Geth's verdict over Trubute to Hunger (1less mana). Finally, Mortarpod might be a worthwhile 2 or 3 of, great synergy with Gravecrawler/Messenger, and it also acts as an Artifact for Lich.
Not a bad idea, I'll try running a Sorin main-deck over a Liliana and see how it goes.
Blood Artist could be good in certain matchups, but without any kind of sac outlet in the deck, he would be near useless vs most control decks.
Geth's is in there just to have as wide of a variety main-deck removal as possible, but I do agree that it suffers greatly in certain matchups. I will see how the deck plays with main-deck Geth's over the next week or so, but I could definitely see it moving to sideboard afterward.
He's an awesome card, but I would rather have something like Tanglewurm which can be the critical blow to an opponent the turn it hits the battlefield. Even if you don't like that card, another Silverheart would even be a better choice. The 5-drops for an aggro deck are supposed to have a big impact on how fast you can take out your opponent, Thragtusk does nothing to accelerate that.
Until rotation Llanowar Elves are better for a mono-color deck like this than Arbor Elves. I would also make room for a few Rancors, and probably switch Thragtusk with Bellowing Tanglewurm, since Thragtusk isn't really an "aggro" creature. Overall looks good though!
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