Rancor would probably be a nice addition, also I prefer Blight Mamba over the betrayers, just better against most matchups. Otherwise good!
Gloom Surgeon seems like an odd choice, and I'm not sure Fume Spitter is a good fit. Maybe try replacing them with some Lashwrithe's and main-deck discard (such as Duress/Appetite for Brains/Despise). Otherwise seems good!
My only worry with this deck is that the land count seems a bit low (even with the 4 sign in blood's). Otherwise, no serious complaints, seems solid.
Oh, and Inkmoth Nexus, I would run 3 or 4 of those.
One card to consider is Ranger's Guile, with Wild Defiance, it can be a nasty way to protect your creatures/pump them at the same time. Also, Artful Dodge is awesome in a deck like this, but you would only run it as a 1-of. My last suggestion would be cutting a couple, if not 3 lands. The mana curve is so low that I dont see why you could possibly need more than 22. Regardless, fast-infect is always a fun strategy, good luck!
Thunderbolt should be replaced with either Pillar of Flame or Brimstone Volley, not nearly versatile enough. My only other suggestion would be Y U NO HAZ WOLFIR SILVERHEART? But in all seriousness, if you have the money, a few Silverhearts would be an awesome addition to the deck (you get 12 power/toughness for 5 mana, what more could you want?)
Mayor of Avabruck? Would boost your Champion and Sage, but even better yet he pumps all your wolves when flipped, and produces a 2/2 (really a 3/3) wolf token each turn (let alone Parallel Lives...). Im not sure what I would get ride of, but I think I'm leaning towards getting rid of Wandering Wolf, seems like a weaker choice for the 2-drop slot. Otherwise I like it! If you have a moment, I'd appreciate it if you could check out my deck/give some feedback, but regardless good luck!
Seems pretty cool, the card that seems like an obvious fit is Gravecrawler, and given that I'm not the first to say this, im interested to hear why you are against putting it in. Also, I can say from experience Harvester of Souls isn't that great, it's just to reliant on having that sac engine in place. Sheoldred, Whispering One is a card to consider, as is Reaper of the Abyss (a card that I'm not in love with, but I could see it being absurd in this deck). That's all I've got, good luck!
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