Unique, synergistic, thematic. Sweet deck!
Relic seeker and Healer's hawk are all stars in my equipment deck.
I do really like the flame of Keld. I had a new player pilot my burn deck and it was cool to see him get better,and really think about the card. Helps add some depth to this strategy.
I mean it seems good. It fits the bill for burn. I don't really have much to say about it, it certainly does what it does. Really depends on what it's for. I always keep 1 budget burn list around so I can at least test against it. Especially for budget control decks lol.
Maybe too expensive. But I just realized Dovescape seems great with Favored winds and intangible virtue giving your own birds and massive advantage over your opponent. Battle screech is an obscure card these days but and old school All-Star in token decks. Emeria Angel seems like another decent budget option. And really good.
Sweet budget deck. My recommendations for anyone who may want to build it. The new Chamber Sentry from Guilds of Ravnica. It basically has sunburst. And is a great recursive utility creature that can break board stalls. Shard Convergence. A obscure card that has been forgotten by many. But fantastic for 5 color decks. Also don't forget about Converge cards from Battle for Zendikar.
Ya. It's a really good combo with Bloodsoaked champion. Other than that I wouldn't sac anything unless it was for the kill.
Cards to consider:Vault of the archangelBlood-Chin FanaticBrutal HordechiefBlaring Recruiter/Blaring CaptainMardu Woe-Reaper
This is a sweet brew. I want to build something similar now.
Ya that was a bit much Frey. Ask a few questions, leave a few suggestions. That's all you have to do.
Uh... lol. Looks like when this deck starts playing Dragons turn after turn it will be basically unbeatable. 1 natural weakness will probably fine tuned control decks. Of the power level of modern and legacy. They will set up with counters before your threats hit. If your willing to spend the money, cavern of souls will help that. Even though your a mono deck. It sucks because cavern is so expensive and you would be buying it only for the uncounterbility. But that uncounterability is huge versus control. Crater's claws is a consideration. It's 2 more damage for you. But it can be countered. I might still go Banefire but at least consider it. May be better depending on what your friends play.
I don't think magmatic insight is worth given that you have 16 lands. I know it's all 1 mana spells. But seriously that is really pushing it. I just think it's going to be dead 20 to 30% of the time. And even if you have 1 land on the battlefield and 1 in your hand. Do you really want to spend your whole turn just looting with Magmatic insight? You can still make use of 2 or maybe even 3 lands. All else would be a waste but I mean that's the weakness of burn. Also just add 2 more lands. Also I hate blasphemous act here. Your the aggro deck. Not the control deck. Besides. What if they have stabilized with 4 creatures out? Your going to play a 5 mana wrath? I doubt it. Maybe by turn 20. Trust me this is not the direction you want to go. Especially main board. I guess I can see it in the side if all your friends do is play go wide strategies and it would lead to a devastating win. But I am still pretty out on it. Make sure your burn spells can at least reliably hit the opponent. Very important.
This seems pretty darn good to me. Your running the best Minotaurs in the game. There really ins't much contest with them. You have a dozen or so playables and the rest are for limited fodder. I do think Comet Storm is a bit out of place here. And just so you know Comet Storm is one of my favorite cards of all time. It just scales so hard. But it takes at least 6 mana to break even. And really 8 mana to be good. Seems a little high for you.
Your a bit overloaded at 2 cmc. I especially don't like all your removal at 2. Is justice strike consistent for you? Maybe consider Integrity//Intervention? The +2/+2 is actually quite relevant for a mentor deck. Often enables and extra mentor trigger. Plus intervention really ins't that bad oddly enough. Good versatility. Path of mettle is amazing. I'll build around it one of these days.I would recommend Healer's hawk over torch courier. I know it doesn't enable Path of mettle. But healer's hawk is an all star in mentor decks. Maybe it's not competitive. But neither is torch Courier. But I know why you run it. Tough call. I can see it either way. I also don't particularly like Shalai here. You cant use it's activated ability. It's static ability is very situational. It feel a little too french vanilla for this deck.
I want to play this decks sooo bad. That price tag though. And for jank......Still. Well done.
As many as you can. Act of treason is a classic all star in sacrifice decks.
No Act of Treason?
I personally love the formatting of this site. So it's useful as a personal tool. It can be a little dead at times. It doesn't have massive traffic. But I kinda like that personally. Also there are many good budget deck creators like Northernwarlord. So you don't always get feedback but when you do it's often good. I am going to try and comment more on other peoples decks for that reason.
Wow this deck looks like it hits hard. That creature package is as legit as it gets. Sure the equipment and auras don't look like much, but just having 2 of them on one of these guys can be devastating. I definitely think you went the right direction in going for efficiency, over more mana expensive and flashy equipment and auras. As for suggestion. I guess I am a bit out on gravity punch and cosmostronic wave. The variance is to much for me. I could see them in the sideboard though. Not sure what to put in. Adamant will for protection? I feel like you could justify some defensive interaction. In the sideboard. You can almost always justify artifact/enchantment removal. Unless literally none of friends play interesting decks :). At least 2 copies of hard creature removal. Hieromancers cage maybe. So you can deal with an impossible threat when you need to. Some decks go all in on that important creature. Graveyard hate is another classic sideboard consideration in general. So many cards these days care about the graveyard. If you plan on making a few causal decks from time to time I would like to add you. I love sharing my perspective and will at least try to give a suggestion. I know I love that stuff.
Fantastic Idea.
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