Have you considered Primal Bellow? Seems like it would be busted alongside Aspect of the Hydra. You would lose some protection though.
Torrent Elemental is fantastic if your keeping the delve. And keeping delve in completely up to you. There are plenty of viable directions to go with the deck. I don't have a particular favorite khan to be honest.
Decks built around runeflare trap are better than people realize. And molten Psyche is a another great build around. I think you did a great job here.
I personally don't like timely reinforcements maindeck. Sure it's insane versus burn/aggro. But their are so many combo decks in modern I feel like it dead way too often to justify. I ran an esper version with x2 Invis stalker and x4 lingering souls. Consider those threats. I also had the option to transition into thopter/meek combo if I need the instant kill versus the slower decks. All that being said your list looks really good. Just adding some thoughts.
A few thoughts. To utilize Sadisi well. It's all about that graveyard value. Eternalize is actually an excellence match. Along with flashback on instants and Sorceries. Consider reanimation spells. Like Whip of Erebos, Animate dead, and Rise from the Dark realms. Or use creatures that get stronger with your graveyard. Like Splinterfreight or Lord of Extinction. Don't forget to put a lot of ways to grow your graveyard. Chronic flooding, Grisley Salvage, Mulch, Entomb, Buried alive, Grindclock, and Codex shredder are all excellent options. Or go the zombie tribal route. Could be really cool and unique in Sultai colors. Eternalize has given blue/green some more support for zombies. I would not run soulflayer unless your deck is specifically built around him. Or you just happen to have tons of keywords on your creatures. I also think Villainous wealth is more for a deck built for it or for EDH. I love Sidisi. You won't be disappointed. Let me know if you need any more help.
Cool deck. I love synergistic budget decks. That's all I build. And this one looks like it can do some work.
Have you tried the new merfolk trickster? I hear mixed feelings about it. I love how it can flash in and kill tarmogofs, Inkmoth nexuses, and the like.
Time for the new Healing Grace from Dominaria to replace healing salve. I love this deck btw.
You could also add stuffy dolls in the main or side versus more grindy matchups. And indestructible win condition is always nice versus heavy removal or decks that want to ramp into big creatures.
It is really combo oriented though? And graveyard hate looks essential for the kill.
So what is the "teamsters" archtype? Or is that just your name for it.
I love this archtype. Great deck man. I always found this deck works best with 12-16 creatures myself. Maybe cut the jeskai students?
I feel like Madcap skills and Fists of the Demigod are the 2 best options. Deviant glee gets outclassed to quickly imho.
This is basically the same as normal 60 card formats with certain exceptions. Like mill decks being a lot worse for example.
Mtg vault reads it as not legal because it shows him having 59 cards in his main deck and 1 card in the the command zone. Brawl won't be exactly like standard. It just features cards legal in standard.
2hp10This deck would be legal in Brawl dude......
This is a sweet deck. I will probably try and make my own version at some point. So many good creature producing enchantments out there.
I really like what you have started here. But a have a couple of notes. Acidic Slime is not a common. So it's not pauper legal. Consider Mold Shambler as a replacement. I would add in at least one playset of Red/Green dual lands to help with consistency. I would go with Rugged Highlands. I would probably cut at least a full playset of your ramp spells for a good burn spell. Just so you can deal with what they have resolved before you lock them out of mana.
Awesome Job. I may give this a shot.
You could probably make this into a competitive pauper deck. As it stands now though it's still pretty cool.
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