Anger would be so lawlzy in this deck.
This isn't creative.... been done many, many, many times. Called soul sisters.
Old idea. You need better lands. Like tabernacle, wasteland, with life from the loam. This deck just fails.
-4 drowned, +4 creeping tar pit for a win con
Yessir, any ideas?
Nice deck... Allies make me happy ^.^ Check out my U/B control deck? Wins games, you might like..
rune scarred demon tudoring image tudoring metamorph tudoring demon tudoring image tudoring morph tudoring demon tudoring elesh norn is the single greatest win ever.
That statement is the most wrong thing i think ive heard in a while. Ponder and preordain are main phase, socery cards. Brainstorm can protect you from a hymn or a thoughtseize, any discard spell, really. Brainstorm can be cast any time as well, so you dont have to waste mana on your turn to ponder or preordain. You get enough shuffle effects with fetchlands, you should need to waste a mana that could be held up for spell snare just to look at the top three cards of your library and draw one. Brainstorm at the end of their turn, instead, bro.
Okay, so i have been playing with this build a lot and have MUCH success with: -3 hypnotic +1 bloodghast +2 liliiana of the veil.
Dude, this deck is sweeet! You should look up some more Aluren decks, man they are badass. It sucks noble herarch is so damn expensive now (modern *thumbs down*), but I Really dig the idea man, maybe some idyllic tudors for the efforts?
Cheers man!
Badass deck man! Take a look at my post rotation deck!
Badass burn deck. Take a look at my post rotation deck, tell me what you think!
Awesome deck, although flash is gone. Take a look at my stand ard deck, i would lvoe some feedback. Its meant for post rotation, thanks!
Arid mesa's are proxies for the innistrad lands.
Only thing I might say, is make it 60. You never know when those extra two will get in the way of a crutical draw....
This deck is pretty sexy, im jelly(: upvote. I mean, like.
andd then I see innistrad's charmbreaker demons, and I am in love.
I like the way you think, man!
When standard is out x4 phoenix in place of my lovely, lovely kiln fiends): Stupid standard.
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