added a one of to the door man, Cheers!
I just don't see why you even need birthing pod, mate! You don't have that many ETB effects, and most of your creatures are below 4 mana...
I was just thinking about adding those, not only for illusions, but some early game defensive. thanks mate!
i dig it man, what about more lands? You only need a few more!
Why thank you! This deck is a long time in the works, haha. I made it because i saw these awesome squirrel tokens on ebay. And I was like "Challenge Accepted"
I wish man, it is way too expensive, like 80 dollars for a playset man, maybe one day though, haha, thanks for the comment though mate! Cheers!
I love the idea, man, i really do. One thing.... lotus bloom, and lotus blossom are both rather slow... and ancestral vision is slow, as well. With only ten lands, how do you expect to last that long? ITs not a bad idea, and with a bit of tweaking, i think this deck will be all kinds of kick ass. Will you take a look at my squirrel deck, man? I would love a second opinion. Cheers!
And if your trying to mill them out, why time reversal? It is the complete wrong card to use here...
I dont see why hive mind is even in this deck, its a mill deck, and there are no pacts for the hive mind?
This deck seems like wicked fun, seriously. Maybe -4 counterspell, +2 worldly tudor, + lands, easily, you need a few more lands. But this deck seems like wicked fun. I just don't see the need for counterspells in this deck, its too aggro for it.
rite of flame, any of those, desperate ritual, seething song, those seem like they you be bad ass here. Way better than the mana flare.
oh yeah and archive trap in the side board for caw-blade match ups.
Jace's Archivist is a bomb in here.
Sick vamp deck man, made those changes, and added the bond to my deck, but this is a sick build, and a sick name, man
Threw the bond in there, and made the land base. ancient spring is a champ land.
This, is pretty badass. I wish standard b/g infect had as many "groundswells" as this deck has.
Groundswell. End of story.
deck is edited to make better of bloodchief ascension.
Assault Strobe ftw, that's what I use in my decks. That way, it's like 8x fling instead of 4x.
This is an amazing deck, gives me man ideas for my white decks. Would you mind commenting on a deck I created?
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