I've beaten this deck already. Here's my deck : http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=412922
Will you win against my deck? I have beaten selesnya humans many times. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=412922
Will you win against my deck? http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=412922
This is not a delver deck FYI this is UW flash. You haven't played or seen this kind of deck because if you did, you will not replace unsummon. This is heavy counter deck an anti-meta deck specifically for battling out those thragtusk decks.
I tried this build before but it's an auto loss to most aggro decks especially rdw and zombies
Im thinking of dropping the snapcaster and instaed use elixir of immortality. Ill try adding flames of firebrand. Works really well even without snapcaster hehe.
replace those keyrunes with avacyn pilgrim instead. remove geist of st traft and armada wurm and replace with 4 centaur healers. there are no terminus and feeling of dread on a midrange bant. use think twice instead of divination and add some snapcaster mage. Add syncopate for mainboard as you have lots of mana. You are control not tempo. Replace Sigarda with Angel of Serenity.
i have defeated this kind of deck before as well as other variations of selesnya aggro. check it out here: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=409499
this is my favoriter deck to beat actually, as I have defeated every selesnya based decks out there with my deck: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=409499
- I added some extra lands - replaced bonfire with magmaquake - added more draw cards - added augur of bolas for library manipulation as well as early blocker
I'll use magmaquake instead of flames. Ive been using this deck for a long time and i feel that bonfire is tje missing piece here
I will try to limit bonfire to 2 or 3 i have to playtest this first
Desperate ravings is good for me it lets u draw 2 cards at instant speed with flashback. Is tjere a ramp for izzet? Please indicate those cards. Pillar is good as sideboard for undying crits only. Bonfire i haven't tested yet if 4 is bad in a deck. Maybe ill add some keyrunes for ramp if that's what u meant. Plus add some lands as well as bonfire is an X spell.
nice "fight" concept for this deck! please like my deck as well http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=409499
nice deck! please like mine as well and make comments http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=409499
maybe i'll put those cards for sideboard instead against undying like zombie decks and some graveyard base decks.
i would add rootborn defense so that geist's token would become permanent lol
added 1 talrand and another electromancer :-)
-2 increasing ambition -3 chromatic lantern -2 descration demon -2 thundermaw +4 desperate ravings +4 faithless looting
yeah i thought of that as well but i don't have an extra talrand right now
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