yes, i will use this deck on the upcoming world cup qualifiers here on our country and on GPT Bangkok as well. I'll post here the results. My favoriter combo here is soulbonding wolfir silverheart to any creature i control hehe it is just like "stockton-to-malone" play lol
descendants' path is the draw mech here, if i would add in other cards this deck wont work, get it boys? lol
Very consistent top finisher aggro deck!
version 2 of my "Gruul Almighty" deck.
trying out a midrange build....
Why garruk relentless instead of domri? Simply because garruk is better and can produce deathtouch tokens to stop boros reckoner and can fetch creature you want.
Markov is not a solid creature for me. I'd rather use erdwal ripper
Well thundermaw does not shows up frequently and is less used so I have to remove it and replace with more one drop creatures.
1st pod 3rd place. 2nd pod 1st place. I love my deck!
Your dead at fourth turn against my deck lol
Nice deck check check out mine
Mine is more consistent and tried and tested in standard tournament.
Mana is fine already with me stable at 22 lands. Since i created this deck on gatecrash pre release I have been a consistent top finisher and this deck beats the hell out of saito decks out there! Experiment one even survives the blasphemous act + boros reckoner combo lol. I really like my deck and sharing this with you guys. Don't forget to mulligan to get that god draw! Works for me most of the time!
I removed domri rade in favor of two thundermaw hellkite
Nice deck! Please like mine as well
2nd yesterday 3rd today not bad very consistent deck in tournaments
Actually this is the deck I have a very hard time winning against. Please like mine
Already tested with br zombies rdw boros bw zombies etc and still consistently winning. I'm just telling the facts here and I have beaten recently a deck like yours and its really slow. Even a heavy creature removal deck like grixis did not even stopped my deck.Maybe I'm just lucky or my deck is really tough to beat and that's a fact. Board wipes is not a problem for me as I'm not the kind of player who just brings down all creatures cards in hand. Hey I'm playing magic since ice age alliance the dark etc. I know my stuff poetic boy lol
Those are for players who uses blind obedience in their decks. Its like casting my creatures at the end of his turn so blind obedience becomes useless
Against control its like auto win most of the time
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