
23 Decks, 88 Comments, 6 Reputation

Hello, sorry for my late response and thanks for the in depth reply!

A lot of what you say is interesting. My first question is about the big mana creatures; I was debating whether or not they were even necessary, but I also felt as though in the late game, having a couple bigger spells might be a good thing. Maybe I'm too used to playing my mono green deck though, so I didn't know how to resolve this. In general, what types of decks benefit from late game big cmc cards?

I will add the rattle chains and move my path to exile to mainboard (sideboard my ethereal haze), I agree with your assessment.

Also, thanks for suggesting Teferi, Mutavault, and Aethervial. I do play casual with proxies so I'll chisel this deck into good shape with some of these. If I add Aether Vial, should I put in less Rattlechains (i.e. 2 not 4)?

I had a chance earlier to check out one of your linked decks, I saw two cards that caught my interest: Unsettled Mariner and Spectral Sailor. I do not understand the value of Spectral sailor's ability (is it a late game utility?), but I guess its a flying spirit so it works.
Unfortunately the links seem like they are down because I can no longer see them, but thank you so much for all of these tips!

My final question is, have you ever seen a viable spirit token deck?

Posted 18 March 2020 at 17:03 in reply to #629890 on Essence of the Wind


Well put Puschkin :)

Posted 10 April 2016 at 21:03 in reply to #579542 on Deck of Solitude


This is very cool! I have a similar experience with my own W/U flying deck. I was bored one day, so I sifted through some cards I had sitting around, and found a lot of flying creatures. I remembered some of my earliest games of magic, where flying creatures always seemed the coolest to me. So I decided to make a deck out of it, and over time, it evolved to be pretty good.

Like your deck, my deck uses some spirits as well, but they are not so much of the focus, but hey, its always neat to see differing approaches to things. Would you like to check out my deck? If so, here is the link:

Posted 04 April 2016 at 16:03 as a comment on rebuilding my first deck


Fair enough, thanks for the suggestions

Posted 03 April 2016 at 04:35 in reply to #578996 on Hit you with your best shot


So, for the longest time I've been wanting to make a counter burn deck, but I'm not so sure as to how much burn I should have vs control, and how much of my burn should be big or not. Link is for reference.

Currently I use My guttersnipe and satyr fire dancer to augment the effects of my sorceries/instants, and I have no big damage burn spells. I also currently have more burn spells than counter spells (is that bad?)

Posted 01 April 2016 at 02:09 as a comment on The Deckhelp Alliance


I commented Puschkin, hope it helps

Posted 29 March 2016 at 00:05 in reply to #577868 on The Deckhelp Alliance


Hey guys, you know how there are Spells with X mana cost? I've been trying to Make a casual to-be-proxied deck that focuses around them and tries to use mana ramp to power them. I'm curious as to what you guys may have to say, and if there are any good cards I am missing out on. Stop by if you would like to.


Posted 23 March 2016 at 04:57 as a comment on The Deckhelp Alliance


How about cards with the tribute mechanic, Such as Flame-Wreathed Phoenix or Oracle of Bones? How about the Vexing Devil? I like the deck idea, in fact I once wanted to make something like this 2 years back but didn't dig deeper into the idea. It's neat to see such an idea in the progress now :). If I can remember or find any more cards in theme, I'll suggest them. That is all I have for now.

Posted 17 March 2016 at 23:13 as a comment on Hobson's choice


Okay Ded, point taken. I will test it out and keep in mind for the warning. Thanks for calling it out

Posted 17 March 2016 at 23:00 in reply to #577722 on Sage of hours, Sage of years


Hey, thanks for stopping by guys! I see the point you guys are making, and in this deck, do you think paradox haze would be better, because my hydra, and my growth enchantments would both have their effects double over?

If I do that though I will remove resonator and try to make another deck with it as a more key piece. I just love that card for no reason other than flavor and hope to make it a good home.

Posted 15 March 2016 at 03:46 in reply to #577722 on Sage of hours, Sage of years


Sounds good. I'll test it out

Posted 13 March 2016 at 08:34 in reply to #577646 on Mysterious X


Got it, what do you think of Doubling Cube?

Posted 13 March 2016 at 08:26 in reply to #577646 on Mysterious X


Okay, I think I see the beauty of the scales card when it is paired with the gradual growth spells you mentioned. Honestly I was thinking that I did need more direct forms of counters and I was considering Forced adaption. Also I like the idea of centralizing the deck further around the Sage of Hours. I agree that I will cut two Hydras. As for the hex-proof, I will look into.

As a result of less Hydras, I guess I don't need Bio shift so much anymore either, so I'll just cut that too. Thanks for the advice and I am glad you like the deck idea.

Posted 12 March 2016 at 22:03 in reply to #577567 on Sage of hours, Sage of years


Thank you! I remember that deck, and I remember looking at gilder Bairn a while back and thinking, "looks like a potentially fun card"

Posted 12 March 2016 at 21:56 in reply to #577604 on Sage of hours, Sage of years


I think I am undervaluing the scales. Does it trigger for every instance that counters would be placed on it? so if I had Cocoon and forced evolution, I would be getting +4/+4 every upkeep? (and then should I slap in Pradox haze for giggles?)

Posted 12 March 2016 at 21:37 in reply to #577567 on Sage of hours, Sage of years


Have fun :)

Posted 12 March 2016 at 15:20 in reply to #577557 on The Deckhelp Alliance


Hardened Scales is alright, but with the little space I can make, I think that Solidarity of heroes is what I'd like to add. Thank you for the suggestion!

Posted 12 March 2016 at 06:46 in reply to #577567 on Sage of hours, Sage of years


Hey guys I have finally managed to complete my current deck project; Sage of Hours, Sage of Years. Check it out as you please.


I will also be receptive to any deck links you guys post on my deck page and will try to help if I can.

Posted 12 March 2016 at 01:52 as a comment on The Deckhelp Alliance


Well, holy cow! That card just flew straight into my deck. Almost done, thank you for the suggestion

Posted 09 March 2016 at 06:28 in reply to #577129 on Spores of Saprolings


Does convoke help you pay the buyback cost?

Posted 09 March 2016 at 06:08 in reply to #577129 on Spores of Saprolings


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