Consider Cultivate over harrow, just so that it isn't as much of a drawback if it gets countered.
just curious, exactly how does this turn 2 win work? I kinda see where it's going, but I just want to make sure I know.
grafted Exoskeleton, while amazing, does something to the creature its equipping that we don't need, it gives the creature infect. And if it ever become un-equipped, the creature is sacrificed. So, I don't recomend grafted exoskeleton in infect. Just a little redundant.
Very very good deck. One thing to point out, Surreal Memoir is actually an uncommon. So it's almost Pauper. Still pretty cheap though. Also, to help with the mana base, throw 4 Terramorphic Expanse or Evolving wilds in there. just take out 2 of each forest and mountain, and thrown in 4 of the fetch lands. Very useful early game getting the one forest you need for harrow, or late game activating landfall on Plated geopede.
White Knight can kill anything when equipped with Basilisk collar, except for Black Knight. =P
Guile, makes stupid things happen. Glad I could help.
And then infect came along and said "FUCK LIFE!" Jk, Happy gaming Potter.
Lol! Before, all you had in it were the 4 Vesuva lands, it was a joke.
Have you considered a playset of Arid Mesa, or Marsh Flats to help thin the deck? Even both depending on how much mana the decks seems to need. I think you should at least have 4 of one of the fetch lands.
hmm.... I wonder how this would do in a Legacy/Vintage Tournament. I might take this deck to one.
Vector Asp is actually a pain in the but to play with infect. Because you always need to pay into him in order to give him infect. So i would recomend dropping him for something a little more useful. Probably Plague Stinger in my own opinion. Also, the number of creatures with infect is kinda low. So, that might hinder you to getting to the crucial 10 poison counters.
I might actually suggest a Kuldotha Forgemaster MD, as it seems like your only way of winning (or your main Strategy) is to use the infect of Ichorclaw myr. With as much Mana generation as you have, getting out the Kuldotha Forge Master won't be a problem, sacrifice a few myrs to it, bring out the ichorclaw myr, and then return the myrs from your graveyard to your hand via reservior.I also see the fireball as a secondary win condition should you not get the Ichorclaw like you hoped. Again, just a suggestion, test it out, see how it works.
If you're running green black, Cystbearer is a better slot pick over Contagious Nim. Similar cost for a tougher body. In response to Why're you're running Skithiryx, again, for that purpose Putrefax makes a better fit. I'm assuming you do this all in one Turn? If so, Putrefax has Trample, meaning its damage is actually more consistent than Skithiryx, which can be chumped blocked by a flyer. Plus, Haste comes as an ability as part of the card. So something like this... Turn 1 - Forest, Birds. Turn 2 - Forest, Birds, Birds. Turn 3 - Forest, Putrefax, Groundswell, Swing for 9 Trample Infect.
Sorry, a few more things, Trade Giant Growth for Groundswell, with 24 land, you will most likely be able to drop one whenever you need too, and Untamed Might, isn't mana efficient for this deck. a vines of vastwood, or Groundswell are much better slot choices in my opinion.
I like the way this looks a lot. With blue splashed in at just the right amount. I think the only thing I notice with it is the Terramorphic expanse. It's actually way to slow to play in standard unless you play 5 colors, (not sure that anyone does anymore, not that they ever did). I also notice that Forests are the lowest land count in your deck (at 8 Forests, opposed to the possible 11 Black, and 9 Island) where as green actually takes up most of the mana symbols in your deck. I actually recommend switching out the Terramorphic expanse for Verdant Catacombs. this would allow you to tutor for a swamp so that Drowned Catacomb comes in untapped, or if you need a Forest, you can get one of those as well. It will also allow you to play out a turn or two faster. With, the Drowned catacombs, and darkslick shores, you aren't short blue mana at all. but I think your current way of obtaining green mana for your Birds of Paradise, is just that much too slow. Verdant catacombs would make a much better slot choice for Terramorphic Expanse.
I too have found Mimic Vat to be really slow. It messes up timing way too much, even though it combos with Putrefax really well. Livewire Lash on the other hand, is worth keeping. should the game go to turn 4, its one of the better cards to drop and play at that point. Second only to Hands of the Praetors. (Running two of them is Perfect btw) I've actually played it turn 3, and waited on attacking with my two drop creature, so i could equip it turn 4, and then let my buff spells hammer them not only from the creature, but from the Lash's effect too. Slowing down a little, actually makes the win a little more consistent in this case. While adding Blue would allow you access to more proliferate cards, you don't need to add blue to get that job done. Adding 4 throne of geth into the fray would be plenty of proliferate if you even manage to get the usual two hits from an infect creature thats been given some nice buffs. Personally, I don't use them. I also agree with ToRRoRize, Skittles, is way to slow for this kind of deck, despite his effectiveness late game. If the game is to the point where you can play him, (especially if you are only running one of him) you've either already won, or already lost. Putrefax does amazingly as a finisher should the game make it to turn 5. So try adding another one of him to the deck, and make it 3 Putrefax. From play testing of my own, I've found that two drop creatures are your bread and butter. Running 4 Ichorclaw Myr, 4 Necropede, and 4 Plague Stinger is a must. The Blightmamba's aren't bad, but because the regen costs extra mana, it actually slows your game rather than helping it out. I've also found only one 3 drop creature to be worth its mana cost. That creature being Cystbearer. It's a simple and yet very threatening card. 2G for a 2/3 infect. It's actually won me a few games, just because sometimes, their creatures can't take the two -1/-1 counters. Walls seem to just crumble up against it. And while Ichor Rats is good for getting some counters on your opponent without actually hitting them, it absolutely blows in the mirror matchup, because you just end up helping out your opponent. Plus, it's only a 2/1 body and dies to even the smallest bit of damage. No, to move on to your pump spells. First off, I have to say, they're actually really good on they're own, except for one, that one being untamed might, which needs 4 mana to even equal a giant growth. Untamed Might is a late late game spell. One of those ones you cast turn 8 with 7 mana poured into X. Again, an infect deck should not be letting the game go this far, and if it does, you're probably at a stale mate of kinds, and you don't have 8 mana to give any one creature a +7/+7 boost. (or anything comparable). In it's place, I would run Groundswell. It costs the same as a giant growth, and 90% of the time, you will be playing it turn three, after you have dropped your 3rd mana. In fact you could be playing two or three of them turn three, and swinging for a kill, or near kill. I like Vampire's Bite, as the lifelink is amazing and definitely helps you to survive. And since there is black in this deck, its really useful should you have a Swamp, Forest, Plague Stinger starting hand, instead of an ideal Forest, Forest, Ichorclaw Myr. I personally don't run them, but It's a good card, and definitely has a home here. What I run for pump spells is 4x Vines of Vastwood, 4x Giant Growth, and 4x Groundswell. If you're running Vampire's Bite, I would put 4x Vampires Bite in place of the Giant Growth. Almost done, just two more points to make, (sorry for such a long post, I've been working a lot with infect recently though). First, Corpse Cur is a Sideboard card. It slows the Main Deck down way to much for 4 mana, and there will be plenty of times when you have it in your opening hand, and you wish you didn't. In it's place, I would run something completely different honestly, the one thing that black is supposed to do in general. Black run removal, and this deck needs it. Run 4x Vendetta's. It's cheap for only B, and you kill any non-black creature. It's what you use to get blockers out of the way, should your opponent correctly decide to block. Also, you can use it as a last ditch effort on an creature you control that's equipped with Livewire Lash, as the infect creature will still do it's two damage to target player. The last thing I want to cover is your mana base, which is already very good. But you don't have any way of controlling it based on what you need at the time. Verdant Catacombs is the best way to go, but if budget is an issue, Terramorphic Expanse and/or Evolving Wilds will work (they're just a little bit slower). 22 land is the perfect amount, but an even split between forest and swamps is not how the curve in this deck runs. Since, a lot of your spells are actually green, and you have 3GG Putrefax, you should have just a bit more green than Black. I run 6 Swamps and 12 Forests Personally, with 4 Verdant Catacombs, but since you have the 4 Vampires Bite, I would run 8 Swamps, 10 Forests and 4 Verdant Catacombs (or Terramorphic/Evolving Wilds). this will actually increase your overall swamp/forest draw, based on what you need, as you have 12 possible swamps and 14 possible forests, since Verdant Catacombs can be either or. My Final changes to the Deck. -3x Corpse Cur -1x Mimic Vat -4x Ichor Rats -4x Blight Mamba -1x Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon -4x Giant Growth -3x Untamed Might -1x Forest -3x Swamp +1 Livewire Lash +2 Necropede +1 Ichorclaw Myr +3 Cystbearers +1 Putrefax +4 Groundswell +4 Vines of Vastwood +4 Vendetta +4 Verdant Catacombs (Terramorphic Expanse/Evolving Wilds) (Note that the Throne of Geth/Contaigon Clasp Could Sideboard in place of the Livewire Lash's, to bring down the mana curve even more.) Again, these are just the things I would do to make it play out a lot faster, and give yourself a higher chance of getting those 10 Poison Counters on your opponent asap. Hope that this helps!!!
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