Looks like a fun deck, and it's also very cheap except for lands and the geists
my modern version of a mill deckhttp://www.mtgvault.com/alj/decks/ub-mill-with-a-hint-of-green/
Might Want to sideboard a couple of leyline of the void then if you face a deck thar benefits from having cards in their graveyard, but i see why you made the decisions you did.
what kind of decks do you usually play against? Archive trap might be very usefull if you play decks that serches their library.you might want to look at snapcaster mage toodrowned catacomb is an amazing land for this deckand i dont like mind grind, too expensive imo.
i like the realmwright + crypt ghast combo, but i would probably swap murder with a doomblade and keep murder in the sideboard, then i'd like to swap out tome scour+ mind sculpt for some more control, like unsummon. but overall a nice idea, i just think it needs some redefining to be great.
How exactly are you getting 8 mana at turn 3? i can only see 1 from Llanowar, 2 from the priest and 3 normal lands, adding up to 6.
You have an awfull lot of mill cards in here, i would probably consider taking some cards like the Raven Guild Master and Whispersilk Cloak combo out, and then cut down on some of the spells for some control. you could also splash in some more black and add Haunted Echoes, which is an awesome finisher in a mill deck, you could also use Glimpse the unthinkable. You could take a look at my mill deck if you want to: http://mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=159895
i like this deck a lot, i have wanted to make a deck like this a long time just never happened :) +1
Take a look at my standard mill deck http://mtgvault.com/Profile.aspx?UserID=12323 Thank you!
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