Why not have a commander like niv-Mizzet or Melek?
Why put it as legacy, when you can make it modern legal with absolutely no cost?
I have to ask, why no green? Another thing is you could replace lightning strike with lightning bolt
Would nyx weaver work in this deck?
No I’ve seen people try to blame me for not living their life/ not being a pessimist
I’ve seen people try
Just wanted you to see from all perspectives, no harm meant
That is why walls exist here, and why my favorite mill is phenax
Thank you
As you wish
I was wondering if it was a rip-off or my manaless storm deck
Is it Golgari?
Perhaps add Maralen, unless you don’t want to
Would the ozolith be good in this deck?
No all my creatures get me mana, are platinum angel (so I don’t lose with surge), or a elder
Padeem would be good, but ugin’s +3 isn’t needed for any normal circumstance, and his minus is detrimental to me, because I want other people to prosper, so I can take their stuff thanks for the suggestions p, they’re always welcome
I don’t use enough blue spells for me to use it, but thank you for the suggestion
I read what you said
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