
36 Decks, 68 Comments, 14 Reputation

Lol, real constructive guys.

Posted 06 October 2010 at 19:37 in reply to #90963 on Mill Mill Mill Mill 'Till you drop


I would suggest maybe throwing in another Jace or two. Lately I have seen other blue decks play Jace just so they can kill off other Jace's, regardless if they are a Mill deck or not. Just something to keep in mind. Also, this deck doesn't seem like it has a lot of "focused" Mill power. It has 1-2 of each few Mill cards you have chosen. Who knows, it could be enough, but it seems like its calling it close. I think adding more Mind Funerals wouldn't hurt at all, as well as adding a few Tome Scours. Tome Scour isn't as powerful of a card, but when you are short on mana it helps to get the ball rolling. I like the idea of the Distortion Strike and Sword of Body and Mind on a creature, that has a huge Mill potential. However, If you are going to go for that angle, why not go for Whispersilk Cloak and a few more Sword's?

Have you play tested this deck yet? The amount of mana producing lands in this deck is kind of alarming. Does it feel like you have an efficient amount of mana?

Overall you have a lot of good cards in this deck. I am just concerned you'll run into the "one of" factor often. Only having one of key cards, which could get countered/exiled/etc, may screw you in the end. It may be wise to narrow down which cards you really want to run, and add more of those, and cut some of the "one of" cards.

Hope this helps out some.

Posted 06 October 2010 at 19:34 as a comment on Mill Mill Mill Mill 'Till you drop


I understand the Donate + Illusions trick, but I don't see where the Bazaar Trader comes into play. I also do not see how you gain control of their creatures forever. Please explain?

Posted 04 October 2010 at 19:37 as a comment on Grandeur Trader


Nice deck man, definately a gamble.

Posted 04 October 2010 at 12:24 as a comment on Heads I win, Tails you lose


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