Well shit, you're right.
Why is dreadbore sideboard if it's better than terminate?
I have to agree, because hero of Iroas is most likely the best +1/+1 counter heroic card there is. Definitely use four, and while reap what is sown may not be your style, you still might want to try out warriors lesson, even if it's in sideboard, just to test it for a game to see how it works. One kind of instant or sorcery (or four total) that costs only one green couldn't hurt to try, especially if it keeps your hand stocked.
I would definitely try to add as many boon satyrs as you can. It's pretty ridiculous with heroic.
I highly recommend the card lightning serpent. I think it's from coldsnap. It should work great in this deck.
This is pretty good. The new enchantment that gives a creature +1/+0 for your devotion to red might be good, since ball lightning comes in for a one turn boost of three devotion. Also, sneak attack if you have the money.
Just joking.
You dirty bastard... I love it!
It's standard, so legion and overlord is out, but elixir is a good idea. Thanks.
This is a standard deck, however, but elixir is pretty good.
Idea for a better sideboard would be appreciated.
I really don't have whispering madness in here for cipher though. While it can be ciphered, it mainly just draws cards for me and cycles their deck into their graveyard, while keeping the deck from running out of things to discard. Ashiok is cool, but he(as weird as it is, WOTC says he's a dude) seems a little off the point. I'll try it out sometime.
Yeah, thanks. Right it was good.and fitting.
Also, if I added red,I could add rakdos' return, to. This is tempting.....
But the phantasm is key for stopping early game creatures, like rakdos cackler, Frostburn weird, kalonian tusker, heroic creatures(to a point), ash zealot, boros elite, fanatic of xenagos, fleecemane lion, and basically every other one and two drop creature, precisely when you need it. It also supports a healthy mana curve
Makes sense, unless you get the same Selesnya aggro cards too, this deck is basically fighting one department of itself.
Well, not necessarily. Door keeper can keep milling them slowly, or with as many walls as there is, you could wait until you monstrosity colossus and beat them to death. Definitely some sideboard removal, like Dimir charm, Doom blade, or maybe some more counterspells to be more well-rounded.
The guildmages are good though for mana curve and psychic strike is in sideboard. Also, 20 cards-20 life isn't the entire opponents deck, and most generally once Phenax and the guildmage is out, there should be about three to four other walls out, which would be about 20 milled cards and life lost. The deck is mostly good as is.
Who plays hoplites in modern though? Besides, phantasmal image can copy themwhen they are too big of a threat, and there's also about five good flyers and krovikan mist to defend against them.Also, counter spells and bounce cards eat heroic up.I just don't think it's a valid card at the moment. Side board it in case of heroic.
Don't try to just beat your way to victory.probably won't work.
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