There is something on your face....IT WAS PAIN!
Yes. Definitely.
Apparently, since it rarely gets played anymore, and other decks have become more prominent, manaless dredge is expected to kick back into tourneys by next year. Don't know that I like that or not.
Try soul ransom and siren of silent song. Soul ransom is a weird way of getting card draws, discards and stealing a creature. Siren slowly but surely picks their hand and top draws apart. Now as previously mentioned, whispering madness is for decks that draw a lot of cards. You basically flush their plan away to draw a fresh hand of discard spells and the like, so basically like mono black devotion, America control and sometimes blue decks. Fate unraveler also is for the purpose, and combos well with madness as well. Reap intellect is just fairly easy to explain.
Lands are for the weak! Manaless dredge is where it's at! Jk
I have a just B/U discard deck for standard. It does have whispering madness in there, and also reap intellect and fate unraveler.
Likes for all! Everyone can be on the hot list.
Oh no sorry man wrong box!
Why not both?
Okay, I would try flayer of the hatebound, but he costs way too much to cast (if 6 mana is a problem). Second, you could sideboard in Dark Confidant OR his budget brother Pain Seer to grab up cards. As long as malfegor doesn't show up to your hand through them, taking 2 or 3 life isn't so bad, especially in something fairly aggro like this. And finally, maybe a graffdigger cage could ruin you, so simple artifact removal could see some space here (maybe the card could have more synergy somehow, too, if possible) in the sideboard. Just a suggestion.
But that's the point. It's not necessarily something to work towards, it's more or less of a backup plan if the game goes too late, and you need to flip the table. At least, that's how it usually ends up for me.
Oh, okay. Didn't see that.
Why not just use blue artifact lands instead of islands?
Yeah, and the lands.
Hey, anyone can throw some time vaults and mind sculptors together in a deck, technically speaking
So... Why no cyclonic rifts? I'm sure they could at least debut the sideboard.
That doesn't sound too bad. Flashback especially could be great.
It's no pact combo, but hey it still allows more removal than usual.
I would try it out. Flashing in a scion as consistently as you can isn't a bad thing, as far as I know. The only concern I see with this could be the suppression of other necessary cards.
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